Chapter 55: Wand Part 1!

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Victor's POV:
      I walked into my room and then I felt something. Something bad.... Maybe not bad. But powerful. I'm usually not the one getting these feelings, since I'm not magical. I looked out my door and saw my siblings go to their rooms. I closed the door and went to the window. I quickly and carefully climbed out.

Ronald's POV:
     Em was at Prue's house and watching Victor. I was at Paige's house. Scar was at Phoebe's house. Then Will was at Piper's house. Em told us to stay here to make sure the Halliwell's don't become to suspicious or find anything out. You could say she's in charge, and you don't want to argue with her. Besides, she's the oldest out of all of our cousins and siblings. We all had walky talkies, just waiting for Em. "He's on the move." Emilie said through the walky talky. "What do you want us to do?" I asked. "I'm leaving a trail for you starting at Prue's house. Go there and follow it." Emilie replied. "Roger that." William stated. "What did I say about codes?" Emilie asked. "That we can't do that." Scarlett replied. "Exactly." Emilie stated. "You're not the boss of everyone." William stated. "You wanna bet?" Emilie asked. "No thanks." William stated. "That's what I thought." Emilie stated. "Lets stop fighting and let's go." I stated. "Yes! At least someone else other then me is taking this seriously." Emilie stated. I rolled my eyes and orbed to Prue's place.

Samuel's POV:
      I was hanging out with Talia at the park. "How is it to be a whitelighter?" Talia asked and I smiled. "I like it. A lot more then being a witch, or warlock, in my opinion." I replied and she smiled. She stopped and I stopped too. I turned around to face her. "You're different then most whitelighters." Talia stated as she stepped closer to me. "What makes you say that?" I asked as I stepped closer to her. We are now only inches apart. "Because you're not dead." Talia stated with a smirk and I laughed. She closed the space between us and kissed me. I was shocked at first, but got into it and started kissing her too with passion.

Bianca's POV:
     I was sitting with Chris in his room. "That's a a lot. How do we even know these people are from the future? Or if they're good, for that matter?" I asked and Chris shrugged. "We don't. Not until they prove it to us." Chris replied and I sighed. "You know that rude girl I told you about?" Chris asked and I nodded. "Yeah." I replied. "Well, she kept starring at me. It made me feel really uncomfortable." Chris replied and I stood up. "Do you think she likes you?" I asked and he shrugged. "Maybe." Chris replied. "Do you like her?" I asked and he stood up. He got close to and grabbed my hands. "Of course not. I like only you." Chris replied and I smiled. But then I frowned. "Do you think she's pretty?" I asked. "She's beautiful." Chris replied and I gasped. How could he say that? "What?" I asked as I stepped away from him and he sighed. "I didn't mean that. You're a thousand times better then her. Look ways and personality ways." Chris replied and I gave him a small smile. He walked towards me and took my hands. He kissed me and I kissed back. Has still a sweetie and a charmer. I love him. I love him more then anything in this world. I won't loose him, I don't think I could handle it. I need him.

Victor's POV:
     I felt myself drawned to the Manor. I looked through the window and didn't see anyone. I gave a devilish grin and opened the door. I walked in and I kept having this feeling like I was being followed or watched. I turned around, but didn't see anyone. I shrugged it off and snuck all the way down the basement stairs.
    I got down there and looked around. Why did I come here? What was the point. I'm so confused and I don't know what I'm supposed to do. I saw a shovel and picked it up. I went to the center of the basement and started digging in the spot that the nexus use to be before the Charmed Ones destroyed it once and for all. I kept digging until the shovel hit something hard. I put the shovel down and finished digging with my hands. I came across a long wooden box and took it out. I brushed it off and tried to open the box. But it wouldn't open because there wasn't a key. How can I open it with a key. But then I saw a silver key in the dirt and picked it up. I unlocked it and opened the box. I I gasped and my eyes widend when I saw a wand. I touched it as I admired it, but I kept it in the box.

Ronald's POV:
   "He found it!" I hissed. We were standing on the stairs, watching him, and he hasn't even noticed us. Victor closed the box and smiled. "I've got this." Scarlett stated. She used telekinesis to fly the box to her and she caught it with a smile. He looked at us and gave us some evil glares. "Go! Now!" William exclaimed. We all held hands and Emilie shimmered us out of the Halliwell Manor.
    We shimmered to a jungle. "Where are we?" William asked. "Not in San Francisco." Emilie replied. "Then where?" Scarlett asked. "In a jungle somewhere far away." Emilie replied. "Well, that's descriptive." I stated sarcastically and she rolled her eyes. "Scar, hand me the box." Emilie stated and Scarlett did. "There." Scarlett stated. "Now use your telekinesis powers to make a deep hole in the ground." Emilie stated and Scarlett nodded. "Okay ' Scarlett agreed. It took a few moments, but I managed to do it. Emilie smiled and put the box in the hole. I used telekinesis to cover the hole up again. "Let's go." I stated. We all held hands and then Em shimmered us out of this jungle we're in.

Victor's POV:
     I held the shove tight in my hand, trying not to smash anything. I can't believe this! They just took it and probably hid it somewhere I'll never find it. This is unbelievable! I sighed as I tried to calm down, but it didn't work, it only made me more angry. Then I saw fire and I gasped. Then I disappeared out of the Manor.
     I appeared in a jungle and the fire is gone. I just flamed away like sosome demons can. But how? The wand. I just have gotten some power when I touched the wand. Which means llf I held the wand and transferred the power to me, I'll be really powerful. I gasped at what I just realized and then I gave an evil smile.
     I dug another hole and then I got the box out and smiled. I opened it and took out the wand. I held it in my hand and wind formed. It was fast and harsh. But it wasn't taking me away. It's like it was the power coming to me. I've never felt this way before.... But it feels great! I can not wait to see what this power can do.

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