Chapted 81

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Only a few hours after digging up the grave Hümasah Sultan immediately ordered her husband Zülfikar pasha to get home since he was supposed to execute Iskender for the order of Sultan Herman.

Both her and her mother needed explanation and as soon as possible.

- Sultanim - he bowed as he entered the room - Why did you call me home so suddenly?

- Where is he?! - Safiye snapped at him immediately.

- What?

- Where is he?! Answer me!!

- Validem! - Hümasah groaned - Calm down, please!

- I won't calm down!!

But soon enough she grew silent.

- Zülfikar... - now Hümasah spoke - You didn't kill my brother, did you?

His eyes immediately widened.

- We digged up the grave... But there was nothing... Nobody...

- Tell me where is he! - Safiye continued.

- I cannot tell you that! - Zülfikar finally replied - I don't know where he exactly is! He is hiding! Just as I told him to do!

Both women grew silent again.

- It's for the best - he added.

- Best for who?! - Safiye snapped angrily again - Not for us!

- But for him! As otherwise you would've gotten him killed! This execution would have also happened because you wanted him to ascend the throne and get the power!

- You...

- Validem! - her daughter cut her off - Please go home and calm down, alright?

- Hümasah!

- He's alive, Validem... And this is the most important thing right now - she smiled.

After a few deep breaths Safiye Sultan calmed down and left her daughter's palace.

Once when she left Zülfikar sat down and Hümasah followed.

She sat beside him and kissed him happily.

- Tell me... - she spoke after that - Was it Herman's order... Or you did this against his order?

- Against his order... - he sighed - Allah... He surely would kill me for this...

- But he's no longer here... And you did the right thing with that... You spared an innocent life, Zülfikar...

- Just... Don't tell anyone else... Okay...?

- I won't... I'm not crazy - she laughed as she hugged him one more time as they both calmed down.

----- TIME SKIP -----

Meanwhile this was happening Sehzade Osman was caught on trying to escape from the room him and his younger brother Mehmed was isolated to and was taken to Sultan Mustafa and Valide Halime Sultan to decide about his fate.

- Too bad, too bad - Halime smirked - Nobody's here to protect you, Sehzadem.

- And? What do you want to do with me? Kill me?

- I was thinking about that - said Halime - But Sultan Mustafa will decide about this.

This pissed Osman off so much that he suddenly burst out, even though two guards were holding onto him.

- The throne is rightfully mine! Do you hear me?! Mine!! - he shouted - I will claim my throne! And you all will pay for this!!

- You dare to talk like this, huh...

But just as Halime Sultan was speaking suddenly Mustafa got some sort of stroke and collapsed.

- Mustafa!

Halime quickly turned to the guards.

- Lock all the sehzades in one room now!! - she shouted - And call a doctor too!!

And so they did how they were told, but what they didn't know was that someone was listening to all this, but stayed hidden.

It was Daniel.

- This is not going to happen... - he groaned to himself as he left to tell what he heard to Angie.

----- TIME SKIP -----

- What?! - Angie shouted - Halime, you sneak...

- I don't want to stress you out even more, but you need to decide what to do before it's too late and Halime gets what she wants... - Dan said, trying to stay calm.

- Time to make the next step... - she sighed frustratedly - Get the car ready! We're going out to the city!

- Understood - he bowed and quickly went out.

They all knew every moment was important right now.

Angie wanted to get the pashas together and get them ready for the time when they need to fight for her sons' life.

----- TIME SKIP -----

Going to a quite hidden place in the village Angie stopped the car where many people, mostly the women she used to meet up with and looked out on the window.

- Sultanim!

- Kösem Sultan!

- Sultanim, long time no see!

All the ladies were happy to see her.

- We wish all the best for your sehzades!

- Yes, yes!

With Angie both Daniel and Defne was here, watching how will she react to all this.

She sighed deeply while ordered the car to continue it's way to where they were going in silence, but after a while she was tearing up.

- Why did Herman had to leave us...? - she muttered - Why did this all had to happen? Why?

She sighed.

- I don't even know... If my sons will survive the next morning, or not... And they all are praying for them...

- Easy now - Dan spoke calmly as he took a hold of her hand - They will be fine... We will protect them.

- What if we can't?

- Don't even think about that!

Angie stared at him for a while then just squeezed his hand as they soon arrived to the place to get the "business" done.

Kösem Sultan 2Where stories live. Discover now