Chapter 3

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Thinking about Halime and Mustafa makes me think about my mother sometimes...

I mean...

I haven't seen her for years.

Since I've been taken away from home.

I wonder who's she doing... What is she doing right now?

And what does she think? Where did my father disappear?

As he probably told her he's going to go and find me...

But he never gone back home...

And my sister, Maria?

I can't even think about them without sighing painfully.

They don't know where I am, or what I'm doing, or if I'm actually alive, or not.

As we all know I nearly died...


I might as well gonna continue focusing on my own life, I guess...

----- TIME SKIP -----

Very unfortunately somehow, but Handan found out about Halime visiting Mustafa and she told her that it was me, who got them to meet again so that evening I was called over.

- Who do you think you are, hm? - Handan questioned, looking and sounding extremely angry right now - The order for Mustafa was to be alone and to not to meet his mother!

- So I'm the bad person again for trying to make a child happy? - I groaned while I was looking at the scared and sad Halime from the corner of my eyes.

Right now I didn't know who do I want to kill first...

Halime, or Handan.

- Get out! - Handan hissed to Halime, who quickly left the room.

After that she stepped closer to me.

- I know you've been after taking me and Dervish out of here... But you'll fail, just as Safiye Sultan did.

- You're telling me this? I didn't do anything against you yet.

- Don't try my patience...

- Then excuse me now - I said as I bowed quickly then walked out of the room, without listening to hear shouting after me to stop.

----- TIME SKIP -----

I was so annoyed, even after arriving back to my room and even though Azura and the others were trying to calm me down, but once when I thought I can calm down Halime Sultan came after me.

- We need to talk - she said.

- Yes, we do - I hissed - Was this your appreciation for helping you?! To tell Handan about it?!

- I had no choice, Kösem! You need to understand!

- Whatever! What do you want now?

- I have an important information that you might be interested in as well.

- What is it? And please get to the point.

- As you wish. Handan and Dervish has an intimate relationship. They're in love.


I told her to get to the point, but I was not expecting to hear this...

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