Chapter 19

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Herman's POV:

This day has already been awful, but finding out about Dervish being in love with my mother right after the execution just made everything even more frustrating.

I don't know what to do with this information.

I've been thinking about talking to my mother and if she knew about it, or not, but what's the point of this now?

Dervish is dead and this won't get him back, or make mother feel better.

- Fucking hell, Dervish...

Thinking all this through I think it finally make sense to me.

Why Dervish did what he did... Why was he always around my mother... And why was she always so protective over him...

It's all because the two were in love.


They should've told me that... Or not?

I don't know how I'd have reacted to that years ago, but right now I might have let them do their thing, even though I shouldn't allow them to even look at each other.

But Dervish killed Sultan Mehmed for this.

Which he had to be punished for.

This was a sin that couldn't be ignored, or left unpunished.

- Hah...

I sighed deeply then after some more time of thinking and hesitating I headed out of my room to see my mother.

But I wasn't ready for what I had to see there...

----- TIME SKIP -----

I didn't feel annoyed.

I felt rather...


But again... I did the right thing.


Because if I let a sinner like him to stay alive it would've ended up with either me going crazy and just randomly kill him once when I get annoyed, or something even worse...



As I was near to my mother's room I heard Mehmed Aga and Cennett kalfa shouting...

- Valide Sultan! Open the door!!

- Handan Sultan... I'm begging you! Open the door! Everything will be fine!!!


What's going on?!

I went closer to them to see what's going on...

- The Valide Sultan locked herself in her room - Mehmed panted.

- What? Why?!

- She uh... She knows you found out about her and Dervish and... I'm afraid she might harm herself...

I began to bang on the door almost immediately as at this point I feared the same as he did.

- Validem! Open the door!

No response.

- Validem!! I need to talk to you so open the door!!!

I started to get all my energy into trying to open the door and I'm almost sure that by now the whole palace heard me shouting, but I couldn't care less about that.

- Validem! Validem!!! Open the door, damnit!! - I continued shouting and now even kicking the door which soon worked out well.

But it was already too late...

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