GreenRevolutionary X Law part 2

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GreenR: uh, I felt .so selfish again while writing it, but after publisihing the first part, I got some messages that said some readers weren't....exactly happy with the ending.

Law: you mean the message where the reader threatened you to make you eat fish?

GreenR: *waves her hand dismissively* that was from Rhea, that doesn't count.

Law: okayyyy......I like it either way......

GreenR: of course you do *rolls her eyes* we're out now, peeps, nice reading *grabs Law's collar and starts to drag him out*


I groaned annoyedly and scrolled through the daily news. Nothing exciting or at least bit interesting.

"Hey Trafo," I poked the guy laying on my armchair with toe.

"Don't call me that," he pushed my leg away, "what do you want?"

"Do you think that serial killers ever wake up the morning, look at the news and are like 'oh, nothing new today, I'll better give them something to write about'?"

"No I think stuff like that only happens in your head," he picked up a book from the floor and started reading it.

"What are you reading?" I throwed my phone on the bed and crawled closer to him to see the book.

"Medicine, you don't get it," he didn't even think before answering and I rolled my eyes. Sometimes he was in his own world, not noticing anything around him.

I got up and walked to my closet, starting to look through the closet. Weirdly, the one thing I was looking for wasn't there.

"Hey Law," I turned to him.

"Mhhhh?" He just hummed in response.

"Where is my Green Day T-shirt?"

"Oh you mean my Green Day T-shirt that you stole? I took it back,"

"Oh come on, it was my favourite," I whined, "do you even know how good was to sleep in it?"

"It's big enough to pass as a dress for you," he finally looked up from the book and I pouted sulkingly.

"Oh okay," I turned back to the closet, "by the way, did you take the MCR hoodie back too? I need something for my date today,"

"You have a ton of clothes, why don't you wear them?" He whined like a child.

"Because nothing scares guy away like a girl who still seems to be wearing her ex's clothes, in that case, it means I gotta steak some from my best friend," I batted my eyelashes at him and he sighed, giving up.

"Why are you even going if you wanna scare him away anyways?"

"Rhea thinks spending too much time with you ruins my chances with other guys, so she got me a blind date," I crawled back to his lap, and got comfortable, "so I'm gonna ruin her plan by playing your desperate ex who wants to get back with you,"

"Why I have a feeling you have some job for me in that too?"

"Because you're smart," I flicked his forehead, "there is a teeny weeny chance my plan might fail, so that means you gotta be ready to save me there,"

Law's POV

How the Hell did I let Alice-ya drag me into this? That is my only thought when I sit in the café, looking at the Alice and some guy chatting. She hasn't given me the 'rescue-me' sign yet so I just gotta guess everything is alright.

That would actually be fun if she got hooked up with some dude after all the work she did to avoid relationships. I don't know why, but just the thought of her finding someone else and leaving me.....I guess I'm selfish, wanting to keep her all to myself and-

I almost jump up when I see she is desperately trying to show me to get her out of there. I make a grimacing evil face and get ready for my part, as I stomp towards them.

''Alice?" I put a hand on her shoulder to get her attention.

"L-law, what are you doing here?" She stutters and I can see her holding back laugh.

"Wait who is this?" Her date asks. Damn, Rhea must have run out of options, cuz that one here looks like a complete jock/idiot. The sort of guy who only understands football and food and nothing else.

"Baby please, I need to talk to you," I start dragging Alice away but the surprised guy won't let that happen.

"No, let her go," he growls while trying to grab her other hand.

"Why should I?"

"S-she doesn't even want to be with you," he doesn't even seem sure about that himself.

"Oh really," I smirk slyly, "she doesn't seem to be fighting so much," at that sentence Alice moves a little closer to me and then starts running.

GreenRevolutionary's POV

Out from here. Just out. I drag Law alongside me across the street and then few blocks more, until I can be entirely sure that jock didn't follow us.

"Why did you run away?" Law whines, "I was just having fun,"

"It was a stupid idea anyways,"

"But you seemed to be doing alright at the start," he guesses and puts and arm around my waist to pull me away from some bike's way.

"Yeah, but then he started talking about music, and he likes Justin Bieber, just like his superhot ex-girlfriend," the sarcasm in my voice is almost visible. "Why do I always get the idiotic ones?" I sigh and lean against Law. "Why can't I date cute and smart guys like you?"

Law's POV

"Why can't I date cute and smart guys like you?" My heart skips a tiny beat when she says that and I pull her away from the crowded street, to one of those dead-end streets with nothing on them.

"What is it?" She looks around, confused and I place my hands on her cheeks and turm her face towards me.

"What I'm gonna do will probably fuck up our friendship, you will start hating me but I want you to know, I don't regret it," with that I kiss her, and after a second she tries to push me away.

"It won't fuck up anything," she pants, "and I could never hate you," with that she pulls me down again (damn she's short) and kisses me again.

After a few moments we pull awat from the street and starr walking down the main road, and I can't stop grinning like an idiot.

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