Law X Reader

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GreenR: *does a very happy chicken dance*

Law: *hides his face behind the book he's reading and pretends he doesn't know her*

Shachi and Penguin: *join the dance  while chanting "exams are over"*


You walked on the Thousand Sunny and dumped a huge load of tropical flowers you had been carrying on the deck. Through some miracle Franky had managed to get the flowers growing on there too, but there simply wasn't enough for what you had in mind.

You sat down next to hill of flowers and took few. Your fingers started to braid them together professionally and soon the lucious blooms formed a round crown. Few petals had fallen on your legs and now burned in their bright glory against your tan skin.

"What are you doing?" Chopper sat next to you and you showed him the half-ready crown.

"I found those flowers on the island and I thought I would make everyone a crown," you twisted another flower in the round shape and adjusted it a bit so the large blue petals showed better. "I come from Lilo, and there we give all of our friends those on special occasions." Nami looked up from the newspaper in her hands.

"Like what occasions?"

"Um Valentine's day, Christmas, solstices," you tied a knot on the crown and placed on the ground and started another one. "Some couples make them for anniversaries and just to say they care about each other."

"That's nice," Chopper took one of the flowers. "Can you show me how to make them?"

"Sure," you showed him how to knot and tie the vines together and little  reindeer did his best to copy your movements. Even when his hooves made it difficult for him. "That's really good," you praised his half-ready work. You already had four crowns ready and your fingers were bit sticky with flower juice and pollen.

"You think so?" He smiled and blushed. He still wasn't quite sure about it when others praised him. "Then when I finish it I'll give it to you. You make them for us after all." You nodded.

Luffy came over there and looked at the flowers. You asked him to close his eyes and placed one of the crowns on his hat. It looked bit funny so you smiled at the sight.

"Pirate King has his crown," you joked and he howled happily  and ran off to show it to others. You started the eighth crown already, after giving Chopper one too. He was still working on the one he wanted to give you and inwardly you admired how pretty it was. He was really quite good at it, you thought when you remembered your own first crown. It had been more like a large heap of flowers but your grandmother had still proudly worn it.

"I'm finished," you twisted a knot on the last crown and took them all from the ground. "I'll be back in a sec," you promised Chopper and ran off to find the others to give them the crowns.

Luffy already had his so you didn't bother looking for him. Sanji blushed when you gave him his and hugged you. He was one of the few who knew about the meaning of these crowns and was happy that you had made them. Zoro was sleeping by the railing so you placed his on his head as carefully as possible so you wouldn't wake him up.

Franky called his orange and yellow crown absolutely super. Brook asked if he could see your underwear. Needless to say you said no. Robin gave you thankful smile for the crown and touched the large petals so they wouldn't fall on her eyes while she read. You thought Nami looked like a princess with her crown. Usopp didn't even notice when you placed his on his head because he was engrossed with his new tinkering project.

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