Ace X Reader

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GreenR: Aaaaaaceeeeee!!!!! Haaaapppyyy biiirthdaaaay!!!!

Ace: thanks. I'm old now.

GreenR: don't worry gramps, you're still cool. *puts a shiny tiara on his head* pretty

Ace: *grins, little sparkles around him* I'm a disney princess now.

GreenR: uh, by the way, it's a short one, but since it's Ace-chan's birthday, he's gotta get something, right?

Aaaacccceeee!!!! Caaaakkkkeeee!!!

Ace: yaayyyyy! *races out of the room*


The whole crew was happily staring at the big clock and chatting, since it was only two minutes until the new year. You sneaked quickly through the huge crowd to Ace and tapped him on the shoulder so he would look at you.

"Hiya Y/N, what's up?" He grinned at you and you felt your heartbeat going wild at that cute expression of his.

"Ummm, can ya come with me? Just a minute," you added quickly when he looked back at the clock.

"Yeah, sure. What is it?" He followed you to the hallway and you fiddled with the small present you were going to give him.

"Yea, well, ya know what they say about the first minute of new year? What luck you have then and what you do then is how the whole year goes?" You were talking with incredible speed now. "I wanted to try it out."

"What do you-mmmmph," you had grabbed the string on his hat and pulled him down by it so you could kiss him. In the other room people started cheering and yelling loudly, some of the fireworks flew through the air and by the sound of it, set something on fire.

Ace had been taken aback by surprise first, but was now kissing you back, and you tried to calm down a little. He kissed you back, that was good news, right? Maybe confessing like that wasn't the best idea but man, at least it was memorable.

"Minute over," you grinned shyly and pulled away, his arms still around your waist. Okay, maybe one hand was on your butt, but I ain't gonna mention it. Well not anymore.

"So, should I take it that you wanna do me for the next whole year?" He asked with a cheeky smile and your face felt like burning off. Embarrasing.

"Dunno, do you want it?" Ha! Even if it's 'die of embarrasement' situation, you still have some charm. Well, a bit. You don't show it much. But it's there. Somewhere.

"Boy, do I," he nuzzled his face into crook of your neck and you felt him grinning some more. "I ain't gonna let you go now."

"Happy birthday, by the way," you said hopefully and tucked the present you had made him into his pocket. "You can open it later if you want." (You can honestly choose what you gave him. Gotta give you freedom sometimes.)

"Yeah, I'm busy now."

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