Shachi X Reader

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GreenR: guuuyyyyyssss! Do you know what day it is?

Law: the day you finally manage to stop being lazy?

GreenR:...close, but no. This is the one year annyversary of that book. Guys, we have kept it going for a whole year! Uncork the champagne and dance because that deserves celebrating!


The world was burning up in vivid reds and yellows. Mainly yellows. Oh how you hated that colour by know. It was the colour that made your head dizzy with head and forced the beads of sweat rise to your skin. It was the colour of the hot sand under your body on that island that had almost no protection from Sun. It was the colour of Sun that heated everything so badly. And last, but not least, it was the colour of that goddamned bananarine that's motor had broken down and forced the crew to stay on the island.

You turned your head a bit, slightly opening your eyes to take a glance at the crew, who seemed to be suffering as much as you did. Especially Bepo. You had nothing against rest of the guys suffering a bit, especially after seeing their drunken manners, but no matter what, you were absolutely against making animals suffer. Well, Bepo wasn't exactly animal, only his body. But that slight detail gave him fur so thick, he was almost ready to cry.

Then your face lit up happily when you remembered little something you had put away on the submarine. Back in the days you were still sailing in northern waters. Which were cold and had no use for that small machine, but now it would be very useful.

You got slowly up from the grund and brushed of handfuls of sand sticking to the backs of your sweaty arms and legs. With very slow steps you headed for the submarine, careful so no one would notice you. There was actually no reason they couldn't have seen you, but it just made things more interesting and gave you an opportunity to play a ninja.

You made a really quick trip to the submarine and grabbed the thing from the cupboard. (Always put the things you don't like in a cupboard.)And since you were there alredy you found some half-melted packages of ice from kitchen, alongside some bottles of lukewarm water and booze. The idea of those made you cringe, but there was no other way. Seems like unless Ozzie  fixes the system so refrigerator works properly, you had to drink warm beer. Yuck.

You made your way slowly back, plopping the item down in front of Bepo and turning it's shining soler panels towards the light. It took a moment but fan's blades started going around and blowing wind at the pained bear. He groaned happily and raised it's face towards the wind.

"Gooddddd....." he murmured, catching others' attention with it.

"Y/N!" Penguin was up in a bolt and next to Bepo, "why didn't you bring it before?"

"Didn' rememba'," you sat between them, enjoying the breeze. "Bu' tha's goo' no'." You closed your eyes and took a sip from the drink. Being part of the crew where captain was also a doctor you were constantly reminded about healthy shit like drinking enough in a day and eating rabbit's food. Although beer isn't exactly what he meant by drinking enough.

"Ya, good," you opened your eyes annoyedly and glared at Shachi who had pressed his head against your chest to be closer to the fan. "Sho fluffy. And cold here," he pressed his palm against the place where under the skin your heart beat.

For a second you were torn between telling him to fuck off and laughing over the joke. Choosing the compromise, you gave him a punch against his arm and snorted. Not letting himself be disturbed he kept poking your boob interestedly, getting ckmfortable in your lap.

"These are really fluffy," he finally marked. "They are like one and a half cup of squishiness," you sighed and pushed him off your lap so he faceplanted in the sand and for some time all you could hear was coughing when he had accidentally breathen in the sand.

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