Chibi! Zoro X Reader

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GreenR: okay, now that we're talking about Zoro, I actually remember a little story that happened when I was eight or so. Pretty ancient history. But still.

My mum had bought my me first cactus, and since One Piece was already my favourite anime then, and I had fallen into a habit of naming all my plants (I still do it, it helps them grow and builds a character) so obviously, I named it after Zoro. And one day, when I was watching especially awesome fighting scene, I yelled all the battle cries alongside with the characters, and my mum walks in like: "what are you doing?"

I started explaining that Zoro had just kicked some butts and there was something more I said, can't really remember what. My mum just walked to the cactus, checked it very suspiciously and then walked out, no questions asked. I think she still doesn't trust it.


"Not this....that's pure junk," you mumbled while digging through a huge chest of different treasures. Well, depending on who looked at them. Wasn't there a saying about how one man's garbage is other's treasure or something? Well, that rule didn't apply to that chest. Although you would have gladly given it an award for being one of the weirdest things you had ever seen. Not exactly the weirdest, but close to it.

You threw another lipstick-smudged horse skull over your shoulder and ignored annoyed sigh from Zoro, who almost got hit by it. Why was it always so that when you guys discovered something new, like an evil pirate's lair, just as an example, I'm not looking at you Captain Drakken, you were left to babysit marimo, just because he got lost all the time. And he wasn't even cute marimo! Not at all. Well, he was, if he was sleeping and not saying anything, but that didn't happen much around tge ship anymore. New World kinda makes people stay alert all the time.

He was more like one of those constantly drunk, violent and rude cacti, that you see in deserts alongside with weird skulls, skeletons and those dried up plant-balls that roll around when you get thirsty and think about dying. And those cacti had really evil thorns too, always aiming for big toes. That's where it hurts the most. Toe-cacti sounds actually pretty nice, as a nickname, for an example.

"Nope, junk again," you threw another item and enjoyed it's small crack when it hit a strong stone wall. And broke. And fell on the floor, littering it with pieces of plastic and metal.

"Can you stop throwing things at me?" Zoro grumbled annoyedly and you rolled your eyes, picking something up from the floor and turning around.

"I'm sorry but did I hit you with it? Obviously not, because if I had been throwing it at you, I would have hit you with it. Like this!" You sent another weird box flying at him, this time it hit his head and broke (he's a stone-head) covering him with a dust-like sparkling powder, which made him sneeze loudly. "See? That's the difference between aiming at someone, and just throwing stuff around."

You gave him a smug smirk, but it disappeared when you saw he was....shrinking? Like what the actual frick-frack? Dude, this is not funny. The more he tried to dust the powder off of him, the faster he shrunk, until he was in the size of a four-year-old child. That means his head was about at the same height as your knee.

"Okay, not funny," you leaned down and looked at him. "What just happened? And before you can say 'I told you so' about the throwinv thing, just know that this has never happened before."

"Really, I wouldn't have even guessed that," he sneezed sarcastically and you picked up some of the powder that bad fallen on the floor. It seemed defenseless enough, looking like a dust or extremely dirty salt, and was scentless. And tasteless. You confirmed that.

"Funny, do you think that's the cause of it?" You turned to him and saw him pushing the box you had thrown at him towards you. "What are you doing with that?"

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