10: Seven Minutes In Heaven

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GreenR: Hiya!  Before I forget, I wanna correct one of the things I said in a comment. It was at the Sabo-story (the first one I think) and in the end I had stated Vivi and Ace as a couple and someone said that they hadn't even met, to which I said something like this that they went through half of the desert together.

Here comes the correction: it only happened in the anime. They met in the mange too, but only barely, and never after that. So that's it.

Law: wow, that's long one.

GreenR:yeah, I just wanted to correct my mistake. By the way, as you can see, you can still request second or third parts to any story or some extras like this one here.

And I'd also be happy to write some foes or minor characters too, not just the main group.

Law: aaaand, that's it! You'll babble them to death! *drags greenie away* see ya!


You pulled small cartong box out of the dark tophat and scrunched your nose a bit at the familiar scent of tobacco emiting from it.

Sending a curious look around the room you wondered which one of the guys it was. Of course, it couldn't be Smoker, because he didn't smoke cigarettes, nor could it be many of the other guys. So that could mean it was.....

"Yassss!" Sanji cheered from behind you, "lucky~" you mentally facepalmed at that. That just had to be your dumb luck. Sure, he was nice looking and all, but he probably had acted that way even when he had gotten any of the other girls. As long as it was female, he liked it.

"Okay, let's go," you sighed and got up, heading to the closet. After getting there you sat down at one dark corner and watched Nami close the door silently, yawning. It was quite late already and you were all really tired. But the game was still sort of exciting.

You had never thought of Sanji as a guy, you admitted while glancing at the male's face. Sure he was cute on his own way, and when he wasn't just prancing around amd  acting stupid. And he was actually pretty smart and strong.....

You looked at him again when you noticed he still hadn't said anything. Sanji was just sitting there and fiddling an unlit cigarette between his fingers.

"I hope you are not thinking about smoking in here," you said quietly as he turned to glance at you, "I don't know how about you but not such a fan of choking to death," you grinned, hoping to ease the mood. Instead he turned a little redder and mumbled something.

"Ummm.....do you even wanna play or...?" you weren't really sure about your voice, "I mean, I'm totally okay if you don't but I was just hoping to get some action here,"

"Yeah, I mean I want but I've just never, y'know,"

"You've never kissed a girl?" You sounded really unbelieving.

"No I've just never kissed anyone I really like," you blushed when his words reached your dum-dum head.

"Uh, you like me?" He looked at you with hopeful eyes, "oh boy...."

"Uh, sorry, I get if you don't.....just, um-" he rambled until you leaned forward on a whim and kissed him. He breathed in and kissed you back, his lips soft and dry against yours, tasting bitterly like smoke and booze.

Sanji tilted his head a bit, snaking his hand around your neck to pull you closer.

The next second closet door flew open and you pulled away and climbed out, heading outside to get some fresh air.

You leaned against the railing, inhaling deeply and grimaced again when you traced the slight scent of smoke.

"Y'know, I never catched your answer back there," Sanji stepped out, blowing out the smoke.

"Well, I didn't really have time to answer," you sassed back, "I-I don't know, I never really thought about that....or you like that," you shivered in cold and he shook off his jacket, putting it on your shoulders. You smiled gratefully.

"No I get it, please think it through if you have to," he smiled, knowing what an overthinker you always were, "if it's not a definite refusal I can always wait,"

Timeskip to the next day (sorry I just really wanna know what happened in the end)

The others were just eating the breakfast and complaining about their headaches,(really, who gave Chopper the booze?), when you quickly sneaked to the kitchen where Sanji was cooking alone.

"Hey, g'morning," you said awkwardly, placing his jacket on the table, "I didn't get to give it to you yesterday so..."

"Mh? Morning," he barely looked up from his work, deep in thoughts. Yoi took few steps closer and took his hand to catch at least some attention.

"Y'know what you said about yesterday....I really think of you as my good friend," he looked a little disappointed, "but if you're okay with it, I-I think I like you more than a friend too," you reached your toes and kissed his cheek quickly.

"You mean it?" He grinned.


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