Hancock X Reader

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GreenR: okay I need your help. I need swearwords.

Law: please no. You already sound like a drunk sailor.

GreenR: don't be such a fuckburger. You know you still love me even if I sound like a sailor.

Law: I am neither denying nor confirming it.

GreenR: but really, if you have some sort of great swearwords or names, please comment them here. Thanks.


You looked boredly at the most beautiful woman in this room. Probably in the whole world. And it wasn't just your opinion and crush-blurred mind that saw her as a gorgeous goddess. It was main part of the world that saw her so. But sadly the only guy she liked didn't even notice her.

Ever since he met that Luffy guy she was mad about him. You didn't really see what was the big thing about him. He wasn't even that smart and strong. And he was always sprouting nonsense about becoming pirate king. Yeah right.

You knew you were being petty when you noticed that last remark going through your brain. But you never showed your jealousy, so at least you got to be a jerk in your own head.

Yeah right, who were you trying to kid. You would have let Hancock be together with your worst enemy if she was happy and healthy with them. You sighed again.

"Y/N are you alright?" Hancock was staring you straight in the eye and you jerked up in your chair. "Your gloom can be seen to the other side of the room. Spit it out."

"I'm fine," you forced a laugh that wouldn't have fooled anyone. Least of all your dearest friend. She looked to many people a brainless bimbo, just because she was pretty and didn't often give a slightest fuck what people thought about her.  "Just a little tired."

"You shouldn't work so hard all the time," she placed a hand to your forehead to see if you had a fever. "Maybe you're coming down with something."

"Maybe," you shrugged and got out of your chair, backing away from her towards her bedroom door to escape from that damn temple she lived in. "But I think I just slept bad. I'm gonna go and nap a bit. See if I get better." She nodded and you ran like a coward you were.

You walked into the forest that surrounded the village where amazons lived. It was more like a jungle, really. Thick and deep green. The sounds of nature calmed you soon but you still kept walking. Automatically. You didn't have to think about putting one foot in front of another to move forward. Your body already knew what to do.

Your hands grabbed a hold of one of the lower branches above your head and hauled yourself up. Branch after branch you moved upwards. Unconsciously you had chosen one of thw oldest and tallest trees on the island, so it took you quite long to reach the top of the tree. By the time you did, your arms hurt and hands were full of splinters.

You looked over to the island. In the pool of green was that tiny spot where the village was.  But all around the island was ocean, grey and blue and stormy. You could also see smaller spots of land, birds flew from their forests and made rounds before they landed again. Stormy winds from the sea shook your tree so you had to dig your nails into the bark so you wouldn't fall. It was becoming rather dangerous to be up there.

Nevertheless you didn't find it in you to climb down, so you stayed up there until your uniform dripped and thunder had made your ears hurt. When the first lightning bolt pierced the sky you decided maybe it was better to go home. Too much grief can kill you.

Small raindrops started to fall on your cheeks and head, multiplying fast so it was becoming a real downpour very quickly. Your hands slipped on branches and it was harder and harder to find place for your legs. Few branches from ground you lost your footage completely and fell on the ground.

Impact made you lose your breath completely so you just sat there. Your butt hurt but as far as you were concerned, nothing was broken. So after few minutes you got up from the ground and started dragging your feet towards the village. Time to go back.

It felt like the fall and  rain had knocked your sense back to you. You were warrior and a guardian of the mighty and powerful queen. Your job was to protect her, not cry over your unanswered feelings. That's it. Over the time you would forget you ever felt like this.

You straightened your back and brushed off the wet leaves and mud until you looked presentable. You pushed your wet hair off your forehead and knocked on the temple's door. Other guard stepped out of the room and nodded, giving you permission to take the job over.

You stepped in the room and your heart leaped at the sight of Hancock. But you forced your face to remain the same and bowed slightly. She smiled.

"Are you feeling better now? You did look a bit sick before," she leaped up and grabbed the sides of your face, looking for marks that said you were fine. She found few.

"I am...better," you said after a slight pause formally. "Whatever it was, I got over it."

"That's good," she sighed and hugged you. "I wouldn't like to have my best friend and most formidable warrior down with some sort of sickness."

You nodded again and her brows furrowed. Usually you talked much more. But she didn't want to upset you by sticking her nose into your stuff. You smiled and she calmed a bit. You were alright.

You weren't alright.

And if you were alright then the world was a good place.

You wished to burn the world to the ground and dance on ashes.

Okay that was bit overdramatic. You weren't such a mangohead that you wanted others to suffer because of you.

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