Kidd X Wolf! Reader

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GreenR: knock knock

Law: who's there?

GreenR: broken pencil

Law: broken pencil who?

GreenR: nevermind, it's pointless


You bared your teeth, eyes glued to the small white rabbit hiding next to a bush and snacking on small green plants. Your stomach growled quietly and you tried to push back your hunger. Only a bare thought of harming that small and defenseless animal made your stomach hurl. I'm a wolf, you told yourself. Big bad wolf, I'm gonna eat now, and I'm gonna eat that animal, because I'm a wolf! Nope, still not working. You growled loudly, letting the rabbit know you were there. It's ears perked up and he sniffed air.

How dumb. You growled again and this time it bolted away, disappearing soon from the sight. You sighed and fell on the ground. As on a mark, small twigs broke next to your ears, letting you know that Killer had landed there, when he jumped off his watchpoint up on a tree. He kneeled down next to you and dumped a warm blanket over you so you could transform back to your human form.

"I can't do it," you mumbled and wrapped it around you, cursind mentally when you saw the dirty and ruined nails. Cons of being a shapeshifter. "Can I just be a vegetarian werewolf or something?" He snorted at the idea and grabbed your elbow to help you up from the ground so you could walk back to the camping site.

"Just because you don't wanna eat raw meat you don't have to become a vegetarian," he helped you over a bigger log and you scrunched your nose a bit, feeling the splinters in your legs. "If you could just capture something we could cook it," you shook your head furiously.

"Nope, they are so small and...tiny," you made a shape with your fingers to prove your point. "Let's just dump the whole idea and just forget a wolf bit me," you shrugged, "no drama."

"Tomorrow's full moon, if you haven't hunted by then, you'll go crazy and chew on everything, remember?" Killer pointed at the edge of his mask where you could still see small toothmarks.

"oops," you pushed aside a final branch and revealed a camp filled with loud bunch of pirates. Really, even without your extra good hearing you could have heard them a mile away. And I'm not exaggerating here.

"Didya get it this time?" Kidd looked up from the small trinket he was messing with and for a moment others looked at you too. They also groaned in unison when you shook your head. "Really? And you let her do it? Killer?" The man next to you shrugged too and went to get something for dinner.

"We were both hungry and anyways, I don't see what's the big problem," you got a loud groan as an answer again. "Okay, maybe I get a, at full moon, but I've seen the lot of you doing worse when you're drunk." you headed for a small tent by the edge of the fire and dug out a bundle of clothes. Ignoring the discomfort of a small space, you pulled them on and grimaced when you saw that you had forgotten to pack a jacket again. 

Wrapping the blanket around your shoulders, since the night was cold, you plopped down next to the fire and ignored your stomach protesting at the good scent of meat. Instead you grabbed some salad and fruit and munched on them. Meatmeatmeatmeat. Still eating salad, you thought victoriously as your stomach cried sadly in a corner. Meaaaaaat, it howled sadly. I will miss youuuuuuu.

"What are you doing?" Kidd asked curiously, since usually you were as meat-crazed as Luffy-kun. Even worse. Depending on a day. You really couldn't eat lamb. I mean, how could someone eat something that used to be so fluffy and cuddly. That would be terrible. unimaginable.

"I'm vegetating. No that's not the word, vegetariazing?" you snorted and bit into cauliflower, thinking about it. "I decided to stop eating meat and hunting."

"Like you ever catched anything," he snorted and you threw a tomato at him. He catched it barely a  second befor it hit his face. "What was that for?"

"Doubting my willpower," you had none. Not to be annoying, but it was true. When you tried dieting, you usually gave up after five minutes or when Killer  made chocolate cake. The second thing most. He makes killer chocolate cake, no pun intended. "I so can do it,"

"No you can't,"  he said calmly and threw you the tomato back. You threw it in the air few times and thought about it. He was probably right. Not that you would every tell him that. Maybe it was a rash decision. "See? You're doubting already."

"No I'm not!" You argued and jumped up. "I bet I can hold it up...for um...."

"Three days," he yawned and grinned at your grim face. "Oh be real, you give up after three minutes."

"Just watch it," you sat down very concentratedly, and your tummy, that traitor, growled like a beast without beauty.

"I can hear it too," he yawned and you gritted your teeth, so you wouldn't bite back. it was going to be okay, you thought as you curled up into a ball next to Killer, who petted your head absentmindedly.

Next day

Ohmygods what had you done? It was a bad bad bad bad idea, you were going to starve to death when it kept up like that. Only the thought of throwing your victory into Kidd's face kept your stomach and yourself calm.

Next day

Death. Death should be kind enough to collect you already, instead of letting you suffer like this.

Next day

"I'm dyyyyiiiiing......" you groaned and rolled over, digging in the ground with your left front paw. "how much mooooooore?"

"five minutes," Killer petted your head. "Come on, you can do it. Although it's stupid."

"Not. stupid." you stared at the yummy dinner everyone else was eating. Not that they didn't want to share with you or anything, since it came out that werewolves who eat more vegetables are calmer and you had hardly attacked them on you full moon. "I said I would bet it, I'm not that weak....I'm hungryyyyy....."

"Ya givin'up?" Kidd was sitting very annoyingly right in front of when he ate so you could only drool and watch.

"Never!" you howled at the same time when Killer said the time was up and your three days were over. "Boo-yahhhh!" you jumped up from the place you had been laying on and attacked Kidd to get his food. Getting him by surprise you made him drop the food and you gulped it down before it could hit the ground. "yummy" you licked your lips which actually looked pretty cute, since you were still a wolf. Big, scary wolf. Nails and fangs and whole package.

"I win!!!!" you dropped to the ground, waving all four legs in the air like a turtle on it's back. Kidd just sighed and yawned like it didn't matter that you had won, but inside he was a little, how to say it....bitten. He didn't like it when you won. Except against someone else than him.

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