Demon! Kidd X Reader: part 2

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GreenR: whoopp!! Oh, before I forget, I will probably make third part for that one too, just maybe not right away. It's the second part to the one that was very much like Kamisama Kiss, so yeah.

What else is new....oh right, I made myself a Tumblr. Yesterday, so I haven't reall posted anything yet. I'm there as greenrevolutionary too, that name is comfortable so yeah....

Law: why are you talking about that?

GreenR: I don't know, I'm a little bored and my brother is being annoying as always so..... doesn't matter, see ya!

You threw the small rubber ball against the wall and watched it bouncing back from it and hitting the big cat-guy on the floor. Sighing, you procceeded another ball from the sack and threw it again, this time missing a bit, so it hit the alcohol bottle next to him and turned it into a puddle of broken glass and liquid.

"Would ya stop it?" The guy asked irritatedly, rolling over to the other side to escape from getting wet.

"Not until I can go home. Here is so bad connection, I think my family even believes me when I say I flew to South Africa to help as a voluntary doctor. Overnight. Just in the middle of the semester," the sarcasm in your voice was so sharp you we're surprised it didn't cut through the shrine's walls.

"What's wrong with that story? I can't let ya go from here, ya know it," you rolled over to your tummy and started throwing rest of the balls at him.

"Yeah, but the town is like 10 minutes away, I looked at the map," you added quickly, "sure you can't leave for forever, but can we go there for at least for a day? I'm gonna die of boredom here. And then you would have to deal with my rotting corpse,"

"Wouldn't be the first time," he mumbled lowly.

"What did you say?"

"I said no going,"

"We're almost out of food. And I can't live on bugs and booze and....whatever are the other things you eat," you threw another ball at him, "I'm a full grown woman, I need chocolate. And I've been here almost a month. Y'know what that means, right?" Kidd pulled his pillow over his head to muffle your voice and tried to fall asleep.

You groaned anxiously and got up from the floor, walking out of the room. You walked to the room he had given you, you still couldn't think of it as your room. It was a weird place with a weird habitant. Your home wasn't here. You didn't even wanna be here.

You let out a small scream and grabbed the porcelain vase from the floor, tgrowing it towards the wall where it shattered to pieces against the hard rock. You panted from the sudden release of anger and went to look for another stuff that could be broken. Maybe if you caused enough damage that shithead would finally let you go. Or at least he would kill you. Even death would be better than that.

You strolled to the kitchen, opening the cutlery drawer (just a thought: if there is cutlery, is there also spoonlery and forklery? Or am I just overthinking it?) And grabbed a handful of knives, sending them flying towards the wall one by one.

When you were out of knives, you went on to the forks, stabbing them into flowery wallpaper, until there was none left. You couldn't think many evil deeds you could do with spoons, but you didn't want them to feel left out, so you used them to spell a message on the table. It said: "to the greatest shithead on the Earth, I improved your kitchen,". There was really an impressive amount of spoons.

You took the first plate out and tried to send it flying like a alien saucer towards the door, but on the halfway there it decided to land and broke with an impressive BLARK!!!

"What the heck are ya doin'?" You dropped the plate you were holding and it broke in front of your feet, sticking some of the pieces to your legs which started bleeding. You stepped a little left so you could hide behind the table and prayed he wouldn't smell blood.

"Having fun?" You suggested quickly.

"And how is," he pulled the largest knife out of the wall, "destroying the kitchen fun?"

"Well, if you wanna see the real artwork, you should see what I did to the vase in the guest room," you tried to stay calm, but blood was already forming small puddle under so could feel yourself paleing and your consciousness slipping away.

"I did. Is that another stupid plan of yours where you try to get awa- what is that?" He sniffed the air and looked at you, eyes gleaming suspiciously.

"Oops," you shrugged and then fell over, lost in that dark dark place you liked to call your mind.


You groaned in pain when it came back to you, your legs really hurt. You tried to sit up, and stared at your bandaged feet. The funny thing about them was how the were wrapped. Around your mini-mummy feet was probably enough bandages for Rapunzel to climb out of her tower.

You tried to wiggle your toes, but it didn't work. Then you tried to climb off the bed but someone stopped you.

"If ye're gonna move again I'm gonna chain ya to that fuckin' bed, got it?" Kidd growled angrily.

"Wow, I always thought you were into kinky stuff but that...." he rolled his eyes at your stupid comeback.

"Yer gonna hurt yerself again if ya try to walk with these feet,"

"Sadly enough I can't borrow anyone else's, and I got to run away when you start feeling you wanna kill me for what I did,"

"Now that ya remind me, I really wanna kill ya." He flicked your forehead, "did ya think even for a moment about yer safety when ya went and tried to destroy everything in the goddamn house,"

"No not really, I was kinda pissed of you know. Because that shithead who kidnapped me is pretty much keeping me a prisoner around here. I'm not really one to suppress my feelings calmly," you tied up one of your bandage's loose ends.

"Okay, one day out, as soon as your legs are okay," he rolled his eyes and stomped out.

"Why do I feel like I'm some sort of pet here?" You said quietly.

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