The Mash

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Chapter 14-

I relax on the couch, a bag of Doritos in hand, the TV on, a can of Mountian Dew and my feet up on the coffee table. Mark's busy and I have no errands to run and I haven't changed out of my pajamas yet today, and I'm hoping to keep it that way. I watch some Family Guy and Extreme Couponing, a hilarious show that follows two people per episode who use coupons to save hundreds of dollars and have their own little, like, zombie apocolipse food storage.

Mark walks out to get some food and drink, then heads back to his room. Sometimes, it's like having am extremely anti-social brother the way he acts. Locked in his room, eating and gaming. I swear, if you gave him an endlessly stocked fridge and cupboard, and locked the door, he wouldn't notice.

Anyway, I continue to relax, watching my TV and eating my nacho Doritos. The shows end and I switch to some show called Girl Code. It's a show hosted by girls or women mostly, who talk about common things that happen in a girl/womens life and how to deal with them. It's really funny, especially like this one time when I convinced Mark to watch it with me, and it was talking about contraceptions. The look on poor Marks face when they started talking about sex was too priceless to even discribe. You just had to be there...

Another few hours pass until, I decide to start making lunch, well for me anyway. Mr. Game-In-My-Room-All-Day can come and get something himself. I am not his legit French Maid. I make some ramen, because making mac-and-cheese for one person is too much work. I start boiling the water, when Mark comes out.

"Finally out of hibernation?" I tease. He pats my head.

"Is that for me?" he asks seriously. I jab him in the gut with a spoon.


"Sucks. No it's for me. Make your own lunch."

"Fine, what's up your butt today?"

"A contraception," I wink and he almost blows chunks into my boiling water.

"I'll settle on eating later, so I don't vomit on my computer." I burst into hysterics. I make my lunch and Mark goes back to hibernate. I eat and watch more TV. Time passes until Mark calls me into his room.

"Hang on, before you come in, are you okay with how you look?"

"Why? All that's in there is your computers and monitors, your bed and your chair..."

"It's who's on the screen," he winks. I look oddly at him and then go to my room, change into a cute Adventure Time sweatshirt, put my hair into a cute side pony tail and go to Mark.

"Lovely, come on in," he smiles, guiding my into his room. We cross to the computers and I notice it's on a Skype screen. I nearly scream at who's face appears crystal clear on the black monitor.

Aaron Ash.

"Hey," he says in his perfect accent.

"This is Kiera, my roommate," Mark introduces us. I smile and wave and Aaron does the same.

"Hi," I somehow manage. I have always loved Aaron, or Yamimash most people know him as. I found him doing lots of collabs with Mark and I nearly instantly fell in love with him.

"Nice to meet you," Aaron smiles. His smile is contagious, I can't help but smile back.

"Aaron and I are going to do some collabs today, and he's also going to guest star on a couple Drunk Minecrafts next time," Mark notes.

"Cool," I smile. I have like no other responces beside one word answers. He scratches his face, and I relize his bead is shaved, and it looks really nice. I say good bye and go to my room, and start fan girling into my pillow. Honestly, Aaron is one of the cutest guys on this earth, like he is freaking beautiful...I can't belive I just got to talk to him and he's was all nice and his beard was shaved and his accent is perfuckingfection and he's from BritishLand and he's cool and he's a gamer and he....WOAH! GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF KIERA!!! Hold the heck up girl, calm yourself!

Jeez, I love this guy, but it's just a fan-girling moment. I've liked this guy since he first started working with Mark, it's just a fan-girling moment...calm your self...

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