I Hate Birthdays

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Chapter 53-

I sit in my room, as per usual. I sit on my laptop, watching old G-Mod videos of Mark and Yami. They're so funny together and have such a great bond, sometimes I secretly ship them. I remember when they first met at Mark's party. It was so fun to see them together in person for the first time. I remember actually talking to him and being a bit tongue tied.

I guess I'm just a bit of a Yamimash fangirl. Okay, a lot a bit. He's so cute, even when he's scared. I remember when Mark and him did that weird battle thing with helmets and boxing stuff or something. It was so funny to watch them.

Mark knocks on my door and steps in and watches my fangirling.

"Dork," he half mutters, half coughs. I glare at him, but then laugh.

"What's up?" I ask.

"So, your birthday is coming up?" Mark asks. I grimace at the thought. No, just no. I don't want to celebrate my birthday. I just want it to be like any other day. Nothing fancy, nothing special, nothing besides maybe some fancy pizza and or cake.

"What about it?"

"What do you want to do for it?"


"Kiera! We're doing something!"

"No, we can sit home, watch movies, eat pizza and cake. There, that's what we're doing," I say monotonously. Mark shakes his head.

"No. We did something special for mine, we're doing something special for yours."

"Pizza and cake can be special," I say. Mark gives me a straight face.

"Pizza, cake and cookies?" I offer. Mark shakes his head.

"Why don't you want to celebrate?"

"My birthday isn't a special day. It never really was growing up either. Not to get all depressing, but I never really had big birthday parties growing up. I had a couple friends our cousins and we usually hung out at my house. I don't like getting all fancy. Especially now that I'm a lot older. It's just degrading. Like, yay! You're another year older, which means your old. Which means soon you'll be an adult. Which means your going to have to do stuff. And have kids. And age more. And get grey and eventually die," I say very straight. Mark gives me an odd look.

"You really don't like birthdays, do you?"

"For other people yes, because the're all excited about it. My view isn't very excited. More like depressed."

"Well, I'll buy some cake and a big pizza and some Cheeze-It's and Oreos? How's that sound?"

"Lovely," I say, going back to my video. Mark pats my head and walks out.

I hate birthdays.

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