A Trip To LA

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Chapter 49-

After lots of debate over moving and where to live, Mark and I are going to visit LA and do some house hunting. Or more or less visiting and viewing the houses we're interested in.

One of them is on a beach and has three bedrooms, two and a half bath, living room, kitchen, laundry room, attic and an attached garage. It's master bedroom, which Mark would get, has an attached bathroom and a nice sized closet. I would get the neighboring room, which is just a bit smaller. My bathroom would be across the room. Downstairs is a nice open concept, where you can see everything. I like it a lot.

The second one is similar, but the garage isn't attached and has only two bedrooms. The main level isn't as open, but the dining room and kitchen blend together. It also has a nice fireplace in the living room. The bedrooms are about the same size, give or take a bit. This one is located in a neighborhood with a park nearby.

Mark is in his room, packing his last suitcase.

"Kiera! Do you have the plane tickets?" he calls to me.

"They're on the dining room table!" I call back. I put my last pieces of clothes into my bag and zip it up. I lug it out to the door and set it down. Mark struggles to get his next to mine.

"Smooth," I sarcastically say and he gives me a funny look.

"Sweg," he slurs the ever so annoyingly popular catchphrase. I roll my eyes and grab the plane tickets and throw them into my backpack that is also my carry on.

"Got everything?" I ask Mark. He nods and we walk out the door. Wade is driving us to the airport and is outside on the drive way.

"Alright, let's go," Wade says and we head to the airport.

Once there, it's crazy busy. Kids clinging to their parents, business men worrying about being late to an important flight. Irritated mothers who bark at their kids to shut up and behave. I see a group of kids my age going on a big field trip, probably for church or something.

Mark and I get into the security line and it goes surprisingly fast. Once through and our shoes back on, we walk through the beautiful inner airport. Restaurants, shops and kiosks line the walls as people rush to their gates and other leisurely walk in and out of shops. Mark and I locate our plane's loading area and we then decide to walk around. We have about an hour, so we go into some little gift shops. I buy a magazine and some chips along with a Red Bull. Mark hates energy drinks, but I don't really mind them. He gets a magazine as well and some Chex-Mix. We go back to the gate and wait in line to get onto the plane.

Once on and seated, I look at the Sky Mall magazine thing and Mark reads over my shoulder. We look at all the cool tech stuff and funny inventions. We get ready for take off and then we go.

We land several hours later and we go through the crazy airport to find the luggage claim. I locate our bags and we head out to the pick up area.

"What bus should I look for?" I ask Mark, scanning the busy place.

"Not a bus, a car."


"No, Jordan," Mark smiles, pointing to a truck on the opposite sides. Jordan steps out and waves over to us. We cross the wide street and finally meet in person.

"It's nice to actually see you in person," I smile.

"Same. It's nice to not see you all tiny on my screen," he says and I laugh. We put our luggage away and climb into the car. Jordan drives off and soon we hit traffic.

"Rush hour?"

"No, it's always like this. You just get used to it," Jordan sighs. We're only stuck for about twenty minutes until we're on some back roads to get to the hotel Mark and I will be staying in. Once there, we get out, grab our luggage from the trunk and thank Jordan.

"Sure. I'll probably be seeing you guys later, right?"

"Yeah, definitely," Mark nods and bro hugs him.

"Awww," I tease and Mark glares at me.

"Shut it," he teasingly growls and I laugh. We wave bye and go in. Mark checks in and we head up to our room. It's a double bed nice room with a fridge and TV. I read a pamphlet the front desk gave us. It lists all about local things to do and wishes us a happy stay. I lay on my bed and then my phone rings.


"Oh my god! You're in LA! Jordan just told me!" Adam shouts through the phone.

"Ah! Yeah, we're looking for some houses here."

"Wait, you're moving?!"

"Yeah, most likely..." I say. I hear him jumping around and celebrating.

"Calm down, Adam," I laugh.

"We should all go to dinner tonight."

"Okay, I'm game," I nod, "Hey! Mark, we're going out to dinner with Jordan and Adam tonight!" I say over to Mark who's napping on his bed.

"He's napping, but I'll tell him when he wakes up."

"Okay cool, see you then!" Adam says and hangs up. I pull my laptop out and watch some videos I loaded onto it a while ago. Mark wakes up and I tell him the plan.

"Ooh, sounds like fun," he grins. He takes a shower and I clean up a bit. Jordan calls me.

"Should I pick you guys up?"

"It would be nice," I grin.

"Alright, I'll see you soon. Be ready."

"Aight!" I say and hang up. Mark steps out, his hair dry and put up. We grab our room keys and head down to the lobby. Jordan pulls up at the door and we climb in.

To skip a lot of detail, dinner was amazing. We went to an Italian resteraunt that is Adam's favorite. We then just sit at a coffee shop and chat for a long time. Adam requests he drives us back. I feel asleep like right away.

It's the next day and we're heading over to see the first house. Or real estate lady, whose name is Veronica, is escorting us around. The first house is just as beautiful as I saw online. It feels warm and welcoming. Definitly my first pick.

The second one is warm, but the neighboorhood scares me a bit. I'd prefer the first one. Mark agrees with me. We do a bunch of paper work and offer a price. Back at the hotel, we get a call almost immediatly.

"They're accepting the price and everthing. You guys just bought a house," Veronica says through the phone. We thank her and celebrate. We call Jordan and Adam and tell them.

"That's so exciting!" Jordan enthuses.

"Congrates! Can't wait to have you guys officially move in!" Adam excites.

We head home the next day so that we can start to work on selling our house and so that we can pack up slowly. I'm excited for this change. I think it's going to be great.

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