Summer Finale Part 1

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Chapter 17-

"Hey, Mark..." I call into the room, knocking on the door.

"Enter," he permits. I click open the door and step in. "What's up?"

"Well, I have a really big question to ask you..."

"What?" Mark asks, spinning around to face me.

"Well, I've been here a while and summer's almost over. I have some friends from back at home who I miss a ton and I'm wondering if it's okay if they come over and meet you, then we show them around and stuff. They would probably sleep over and then go the next day? Please, I miss them a lot, oh! And my little brother, Henry, maybe?" I ask, praying he says yes.

"Sure, it's cool. Can't wait to meet them," he smiles. I thank him a ton and run to my room to call Kallie.

"Kallie?" I ask when she picks up the phone.



"Oh my gosh, I miss you so much. I never hear from you anymore! God, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm doing well. Hey, I have a question for you.."

"What, ask away girl."

"Do you want to come up to Cincinatti, Ohio for the weekend with Tyler, Beatrice, Zerah and maybe Henry."

"Cincinatti?! Why the hell are you in Ohio, Kiera?!"

"'s a long story...would you come though?"

"I'd have to ask them, but sure!"

"Oh my gosh cool! I'll give you the address and stuff once we know who can come. Do your best to get Henry to come. I worry about him more and more."

"Sure, I'm sure he'd be happy to see his sissy."

"Thanks, alright, I have to go. Bye for now."

"Bye!" Kallie shouts into the phone, then hangs up.

"Did you not tell them you're living with me?" Mark asks suddenly, standing in the doorway.

"Woah! Jeez, don't sneak up on me! No, I never told anyone. I've been so busy with keeping the house clean and worrying about life that it never occured to me to tell my friends."

"Well then, I guess I'll just be a super secret surprise," he says, making a derp face. I laugh and thank him again for letting them come over.

"Hey, as long as they don't ruin the house more than it already is, I'm not worried," he winks and leaves. I sigh and sit on my bed. I get a call later on from Kallie.

"Hey girl, okay so everyone can come and I talked to your parents. They said as long as we keep Henry in check and feed him properly and make sure he goes to bed by eight, that he can come."

"Okay, so microwaveable pizza, maccaroni and bacon and a go to bed when ever the hell you want bed time it is!" I laugh. Kallie bursts into hysterics.

"That's what I was thinking," she manages. "Tyler says he's bringing you a "house-warming gift". Speaking of houses...what's the address?" I give her Mark and my address and make sure she has it correct.

"Cool, I'll put this into my GPS before we leave. I can't wait to see you, so let's save the catch up for then! Okay?"

"Gotcha, Kallie," I smile. We say goodbye and hang up.

"Mark!" I shout. Mark comes running to my room.


"We need to go shopping."

"But we just went like three days ago. Did you eat all night or something?"

"No, but with four seniors and a constantly hungry three year old or something like that, a few sleeves of Oreo's isn't going to cut it."

"Fine, get in the car," Mark waves to the garage.

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