Too Many People...

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Chapter 22-

Upon walking into school, I am flocked by a mob of kids. They are all shouting at me, so I don't understand what's going on and start to get really anxious. I feel a tug on my wrist and I try to yank away, but am pulled out of the crowd. It's Connor, and I breath a big sigh.

"HEY!" he shouts. The mob shuts up at the boom of his voice. "She just wants to go to school, don't start mobing her!" I look at him with lots of confusion as the mob disintegrates.

"What was that all about?"

"Well, a lot of people must of figured it out that you're Mark's Roommate and are going to be treating you like royalty and like a celebrity."


"You'll be fine, since I told them off," he says, flashing me a smile. I thank him and we go to my locker and then to class. Lots of people say hi to me and some pat my shoulder. I look at Connor who laughs.

"I think you'll get used to it," he says as we walk into the room, to see RaeAnn and Ollie.

"Hey," I say chucking my stuff onto my desk and sitting on top of the chair.

"I saw you get attacked by that mob, are you okay?" Ollie asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just a little shocked that's all."

"'Ight, just making sure our little YouTuber doesn't get attacked."

"Haha thanks," I smile. The bell rings and their off as Connor and I sit for class. A kid in the front row turns around and smiles at me then winks. I shift uncomfortably in my seat and Connor notices, giving me a this-must-suck-wanna-get-pizza-to-make-up-for-it-later look. I nod and giggle for a moment.

At lunch Connor and I go to a nearby pizza parlor and get a giant one to share. We decide to skip the next hour, so we have more time to relax. And since we're seniors, it's easier to make excuses and what not.

"I feel bad," Connor says, as he shoves a piece into his mouth.

"It's not your fault, it's not like you stood up on a desk and announced it."

"True, but it must suck."

"It was only once, it's not like it's constantly happening. But I have a feeling that it will soon."

"I'll be there to pull you out of the crowds," he says smiling. I smile back and add Parmesan cheese to our already very cheesy pizza. He laughs and I glare, but laugh as well. Once done, we sit and relax, just talking and drinking pop.

"I think we should head back," I say. Connor looks at his phone, nods and gets up. We drive back, jamming out to radio music and parking in the parking lot, towards the back so he can leave a bit easier when school lets out.

We walk in just as the passing time bell before fifth our of seven hours rings. I go to my class to be greeted by another mob. I push pass and sit down as the teacher yells at them to leave me alone. I feel a poke at my back and turn to be given a note.


I scribble back:

Yeah, I guess....thanks?

I sit awkwardly the whole class. I don't get a responce, but I can tell the kid want's to. At the end of the day, some random kids come up to me and ask if they can meet Mark. I lie and say he doens't like people coming over during recording time, which is all the time and I walk off to Connor and Merida. Merida's coming over to do some homework and Connor is coming for a movie night with Ollie and RaeAnn. The kid from chem class, Braxton, is coming too, he's also really cool and nice also. I'm glad I do have normal friends, who won't constantly mob me...

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