Welcome to Comic Con! Day 2

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Chapter 64-

Mark and I wait at the area where the panel is going to take place. They've already started letting in people to the auditorium, we're just waiting until we can get on stage. I know there's water up on the long table, with mics and stuff. I'm excited, but also nervous. I've never done anything like this before. I look at Mark who's texting someone.

"Ready?" I ask, trying to pump myself up.

"Yup," he nods, putting his phone away. I can tell he's nervous, he's just too much of a Bubble Blowin' Baby to admit it. I tickle his side and his goofy smile appears. He tries to get me back, but I jump back. We go at it for a few minutes, jumping up and down, losing the nerves and getting excited. We get the go ahead to go on and we run up and greet everyone. We are greeted back with a wave of applause and cheers. I stand there, looking out and realize how many people are here. For us. For Mark and I. And on such short notice too.

"How are ya'll doing?" Mark says, talking into a detachable mic. More cheers. I grab one too and wait until everyone's more quiet.

"Nice to see you all," I say and some people respond with nice to see you too's and I love you Kiera's and dozens of other things.

"So, since this is real short notice, and this seems to be a more fun approach to this stuff, we're going to do a Q and A. So, we have people out in the audience with mics and all you guys have to do is raise your hands and someone will, hopefully, come to you and then you get to ask us anything," Mark explains. "Got it?"

"Cheer if you've go it," I say and everyone cheers. I see Jordan, Adam and Wade a few rows back making grumpy faces and I nudge Mark and point them out.

"How nice you guys, glad to see you being supportive. Captain Sparklez, Seananners and the biggest douche ever, Wade," Mark says gesturing and people laugh and so do they. Mark and I sit down, talking to the crowd as we do and we get started. Hands shoot up like Hermione Granger in potions class. A Comic Con guy walks over to a girl wearing a Markiplier shirt and she squeels, taking the mic.

"Okay, so this one's for both of you, what's one thing can't stand about each other?" (Question submitted by @markiplierfan)

I look at Mark, "You go first."

"Ladies first," he grins. I roll my eyes and think for a moment. I put the mic to my mouth and start to answer.

"He's not a bad guy, really. But you guys already kind of know that. But something that I can't stand is when I wake up at three in the morning to loud, obvnoxious, shrill screaming. Like, what the hell are you doing at three in the effing morning? I know what you should be doing. Sleeping, like a human would..." I raise my eyebrow.

"It's called late night recording..." he starts, but I wave my hand at him and he laughs.

"What can't I stand about her? Her constant sarcasm and sass. Like, tone it down a bit there..."

Everyone laughs and I see Jordan in hysterics.

"See! Even Jordan agrees!" Mark shouts and points. I laugh and he puts his hands and shouts "I'm not getting involved!" Everyone hears and more laughter proceeds. We move onto another question, this time from a young adult boy. He first says hello and we greet him back.

"Okay, so you answered what you can't stand about each other, now something you like about each other?" (question submitted by @Carls_Pudding)

"Mark, you first." I say and he nods.

"Okay, well, I like how even though she's sarcastic and sassy a lot, I like how sincere she is. Even if you don't like hearing it, she's always truthful and she won't lead you on. I also like her choice in movies," he laughs and I laugh too.

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