I Really Do Like Him

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Chapter 28-

Mark pulls up to Connor's drive way and I run out, call thank you one last time. I hop in and we drive off.

"How was the party?"


"Elaborate? Seems like someone has a secret..." Mark nudges me, grinning.

"Well, it was normal until I was all alone because Merida and Rae Ann were hanging out with some guys and I was all alone. Connor came over, slightly drunk and we ended up..." I say, cringing away from admiting the truth.

"Fucked?" Mark asks, slightly curious and slightly in denial.

"No! Eww! No, we just kissed. A lot..."


"No, awkward. I don't even know what it was. I'm so confused," I sigh. We pull into the our driveway and I run inside to the bathroom and vomit.

"Did you drink at all?" Mark asks, standing in the doorway, a concerned look on his face.

"No, I was the DD for everyone. I think it's the nerves and anxiety about the situation," I say, ending before I hurl again. Mark kneels down next to me and holds my hair back until I'm finished. I sit up and sit in his lap for a while.

We sit in silence, as my stomach twists into a series of knots and then untangles and does it again. And again. And again. I start to cry moments later. Mark hugs me tight and rests his chin on the top of my head.

"Kiera, you need to sort yourself out. I know it's hard, trust me, I've been there, but you need to figure out what this means. If it was just impulse or if something is really there. I look at you like the little sister I never had, and I want you to be happy. Please, will you talk to Connor?" Mark asks me. I dry my eyes and nod.

"Yeah, I'll try. Thanks Mark."

"Yup," Mark says. I get up and go to my room to change into more comfy clothes. I sit on my bed moments later, mustering up the courage to call Connor and talk to him. I finally do, and put it on speaker, so I can have my hands free to fidget. Plus it's just easier in my opinion.

"Hey, what's up?" Connor picks up.

"Can we talk?"

"About last night?"

"Yeah. I don't..."

"Understand? I don't either. I mean, I have feelings for you, and..well we all know that speech."

"Haha, yeah, but in all seriousness, I'm sorry mainly. I kissed you back while I was still in shock and confusion."

"I understand, it was adrenaline and impulse."

"I'm sorry to hurt you in any way Connor."

"It's okay. I'm not hurt."



"That sounds like a big fat lie," I accuse, but immediatly regret it.

"No, really Kiera, it's fine."

"Are you sure? You don't sound fine to me."

"Can we talk about this later?"

"Yeah, just call or text me, no big deal..."

"Thanks," Connor says and hangs up. I lock my phone and put it on my desk. I can't say I didn't try, but I wonder why he sounded so unhappy. I mean, besides the fact that the girl he likes just shot him down after making out with him and pretty much leading him on. I start to have anxiety about him. What if he's depressed...what if I just made it worse. Nah, Connor can't be depressed. He's always so happy. But what if he's just hiding it. What if he's super depressed and suicidal? What if he's hurting himself right now?!

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