My Own Personal Fan Mail

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Chapter 21-

It's the weekend and Mark and I head to the post office to get the fan mail. Of course, it takes several trips, it never fails, it always grows a ton. Once home and we begin opening them, band aids at the ready. Mark starts to read aloud one:

"Dear Mark, I would like to say that you're an amazing guy. What you do for people is amazing and I respect you so much for that. I swear, if I met you, I would probably cry. Like not even kidding, tears, choking on air, tears and happiness, stammering words, the whole bit. I want to make this a lot longer, but since you probably have lots of mail to get through, I'll make this short. Your videos are the best and save people somehow. I thank your for all you do, and my contribution to you, in a form or other, is a drawing I made. Also, there is a letter for Kiera, your roommate, since she doesn't have a PO box, but she does deserve something too, cause she's awesome as well. Bye!" Mark reads, handing me the letter for me and showing the picture. It's of her hugging Mark and I, a big group hug, her crying all cartoony like and us telling her it's okay. I unfold my letter and start reading it:

Dear Kiera,

I think your letter can be a little longer than Marks, since you probably get a lot less, if any fanmail. Anyway, I want to say how amazing you are. Your story about getting kicked out and protectign yourself from that creep and ending up with Mark, after being temporarly homeless, well, it's just life changing. I'm really happy that you're who you are and that you can be there for Mark.

Not in a relationship way, unless there's a secret that you two are keeping..? Lol, I'm kidding, but if there girls are not going to be happy. But anyway, back on topic, I love your videos. There's so funny and your Vlogs are just what every Markiplier fan has wanted. Please don't ever stop living with Mark (it's cool to see the stuff you guys do) making videos and just being yourself :) Have a fantabulistic day!

I wipe my eyes and set the letter down. Yes, I'm crying, cause that was really touching, with just a bit of comedy.

"Kiera, are you crying?!" Mark asks.

"Slightly, yes."


"The letter was touching, that's all, I'm fine. I wanna start my own fan mail thing."

"Alright, later today, we can get one for you, after this," Mark promises, starting on a big box. As the hours pass that we open things and read the letters, some containing things for me. After we go back and set up a PO box for me, I rush to my room to make a video telling people about it, and why and what not.

"Hello guys! So, today when helping Mark with fanmail, I got a few letters from you guys out there. This made me want to open my own chain of fanmail, so now, I have a PO box! In the description, you can find the address and what not. I can't wait to hear from you and see you in the next video!" I say and stop recording. Yes, I stoll Mark's outro, but he doesn't mind, I asked him earlier. I upload and kick back and wait for a Mark to ask me to help him organizing the new fanmail trinkets and what not.

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