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Chapter 30-

I throw my head back, hitting the headboard of my bed and groan. I can't take all this studying. It's way to stressful for me, I can't possibly memorize all these dates, theories and formulas in time for all my finals, there's just no way. I close my World History book and shove all my studying materials off my bed and lay die. I get up and walk out of my room and go to Mark's, just walking in.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"What's up?" Mark asks, spinning around to face me.

"How did you study for your high school finals? Or did you even study at all?"

"I did study, but it wasn't very good. I just read over my notes and chapters over and over. Some how I did decent on all my tests."

"Damn, I'm going to fail then."

"What finals are you most worried about?"

"Math and History. Science and English are fine, I'm good at those."

"Alright, focus mainly on the harder ones. Spend more time on those but remember to glance at the others, so you are prepared."

"Okay, thanks," I nod and walk out. I return to my room and try to focus more and harder, but give up. I can't work for hours on end, that just irritates me even more. I take a notebook out of my bag and write down my schedule and what I need to know for those classes. I figure that I need to study at least three hours a day and in the end, I should be somewhat ready. I nod and tear the page out and tape it to my wall, so I remember.


Finals are today and tomorrow and I still think I'm going to bomb these tests. I can't remember anything of any sort! I trudge through the hall way to my first test of the day. I sit in my desk and skim through everything again, just one last time. The bell rings and I put everything away besides my pencil. My teacher hands me the test and I look it over. I start and realize that it's the exact same questions as the study guide. I laugh to myself and start filling everything in. I finish quickly and turn it in and read over my notes for next hour.

Today's tests are easy but tomorrow I have Math and History. I study hard when I get home, only eating a sandwhich, while still eating. I fall asleep when I'm done and wake up really ready for the tests to be over.

But of course, I see both tests and groan. I can barely remember anything and I think I bombed them. I go home, really stressed and of course, puke.

"Stress?" Mark calls to me from the kitchen.

"Yeah, I think I failed both Math and History. I couldn't remember, like, anything. I'm freaking out."

"It'll be fine. I'm sure you're just a bit high strung because that's what you think. I'm sure you did much better than you think."


"Yeah. No worries," he smiles.


I get handed my Math test grade from my teacher and hold my breath. I turn the grade into eyesight and breath a huge sigh of relief. I got a B-, so I did much better than I thought. When I get my History grade though, it's only a C. I sigh, but still, better than what I thought. I have one week left of high school now. One more week until summer and who knows after that.

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