Kicked Out!

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Chapter 2-

The next morning, I'm the only one awake. My Dad is at work, Mom's sleeping and Henry is doing the same. I get ready quickly but quietly and then move my dresser back. I grab my backpack and get into my car, driving to Caribou to get a Carmel Cooler and then to Panera to get a slice of cake for breakfast. I have a baby sitting job that I get payed good for, so I have money to spend. I get to the high school and park my car. My friend, Kallie, is waiting for me at her car.

"Hey hoe," she says teasingly. I stick my tounge out and we walk to our lockers, which are really close to each other. She's a punk, with colorful, layered hair. She wears band shirts that she's altered by herself. It's a cool style, unlike my typical shirt and jeans style. I just kinda dress myself in what ever I can find. We say goodbye, since our first hours are different. I go to the Chem lab and chuck my stuff onto my desk and then go hunt down my friend Tyler. I find him and jump onto his back.

"Holy shit!"

"Hey asshole," I say.

"Fuck you Kiera," I smile and get down. We're really vulgar if you couldn't notice. Just because I have good grades, doesn't mean I'm a good example. Tyler has that skater look, but ironicly he can't even stand on a skateboard without losing his balance. He has flippy hair and green eyes that he covers up with red contacts. He has 20-20 vision, he just likes red eyes. He wears beanies all the time, and band shirts too. Again, I have cool friends, I'm just to lazy to dress cool. I'm a lazy ass if you couldn't already tell. The bell starting school rings and we rush to class. Our Chem teacher is really cool, not caring that we're late. All he cares about is that we do our homework and get good test scores.

Class ends and our day goes on. English is my favorite class, since all we do is read and that really easy for me. I'm in one year accelled English, meaning I'm really smart. Yeah, well school goes by fast and soon enough, it's time to go home. I say goodbye to my friends and right before I pull out of the parking spot, my other friends Beatrice and Zerah.

"The fuck guys?! I could have hit you!" I say, getting out of my car.

"Sorry!" Beatrice says. She, Zerah and I don't have any classes together, but hang out enough to maintain a friendship. Plus, Zerah's rich and has parties for us randomly all the time.

"We just wanted to say hi."

"Well hi and bye. I have to go and get Henry from school, since you know, my mom won't."

"Oh yeah, sorry. I forgot. Text me?" Zerah asks.

"Yeah!" I say, getting back into my car. I drive to the elementary and wait for school to end. Kids file out, talking and shouting. Henry comes to the car, a smile on his face. He gets into the back seat and I start to head home.

"How was school?"

"Good," he smiles. "We had a class party for getting classroom points."

"Sounds fun. Watch a movie?"

"Yeah, Lion King. Mrs. Chase brought us candy."

"That was nice. I had her too, and she would do the same things for us."

"Fun," Henry says. We sit in slience as I drive us home. We pull into the driveway and Henry jumps out and runs inside to watch TV. I go to my room to do homework and then watch videos and play some horror games. Then, when Mom comes in.


"I need you to leave."

"The fuck?"

"I don't want Henry exposed to this. You have until tomorrow morning to be gone."

"You're kicking me out?"


"Well this is sudden..."

"I'm sorry, but I can't take this anymore."

"So now it's all about you. If you don't want this, then lay off."

"And your attitude doesn't help."

"Hmm." She leaves and I shrug. I have until tomorrow, I'll get on it later. Then it sinks in. Shit, I need somewhere to stay....

Henry comes down and looks at me weird. Before he can ask, I rush to him and kneel infront of him.

"Henry, remember what you promised me?"

"To be an athelete or something productive?"

"Yes. Never, and I mean never fight with mom. Promise me that. I don't want her to kick you out."

"You're leaving?"

"Yes. I'm so sorry."

"Don't go."

"I have no choice. I'll try to see you, but if I can't, take this to remember me by," I say, getting up and grabbing my locket I've had forever. I never wear it, but inside I have a picture of Henry and I. I just found it and thought that this would be good for him. He clicks it open and starts to cry.

"Don't leave Kiera."

"I don't want to love. I wish I could stay, to protect you. But now, you need to be a big boy."

"But, I need you. What if I break my promise?" he asks worried. He needs me, a way to talk to me in secret. Then I remember, my old phone. It's a flip phone, but I think he could have it to call me if he ever needs. I grab it from my drawer and give it to him with a charger.

"Use this to call me. If Mom or Dad ever hurt you or do something that you don't like, like yell or call you names and you need me, use this to call me. If you ever get kicked out, use this to call me. I'll be here for you, even if I'm not actually here. I promise you that."


"Have I ever broken a promise?"


"Then this one won't be broken," I smile. I cry and he cries too. Then, once all of our tears are gone, I let him go upstairs. I finish packing and when I'm done, I go upstairs and get into the car and drive to the gas station and call Kallie.

"Hey, can I come over."

"Sure, for what?"

"Well, my mom kicked me out..."

"Damn..sure. I doubt my parents will mind for all to long. You know they like you, and your over enough."

"OH MY GOD, THANK YOU!!!" I shout into the phone.

"Ahh! Yeah, no problem...just don't kill my ears again how about?"

"Sure." I hang up and drive to her house.

The night goes well, once I'm settled. I explain to her parents and her two siblings, Hannah and Charter. They are welcoming and tell me that it's no trouble. Kallie and I eat noodles and popcorn in her room for dinner, as her family isn't that formal about eating. Then we watch some Mark and Yami and then I crash on the floor instead of the couch were I'm supposed to stay while I'm here.

But close enough.

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