Mark- I Love Birthdays

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Chapter 54- Mark

I walk out of Kiera's room and to mine just down the hall. I plop down at my desk and start searching the Internet for stuff to surprise her with. She needs a good surprise, like I got. Although I'm not sure what to do or get her, that will top my birthday. I mean, flying in some of my best friends for a big party, that's almost untopable. I sigh back and sigh, spinning around. I see the chair she made me, with the phrase, "I hate a chair!" written on it. I laugh and realize I don't play much Amnesia anymore. I should maybe bring some of that back.

Back to the task at hand. I think and think. What can I surprise Kiera with? Just inviting Aaron or Jordan over isn't that big, since she's seen them several times. But then again, Kiera is a Yami fangirl. But that just isn't enough...

I sigh, looking at my monitor, that Kiera also got me. Jeez, Kiera, you make this really hard. I type into a Google search, fun things to do in LA. We could go to the beach, but that's not that special. We could go downtown, but that probably will involve an anxiety attack, so probably not best. Kiera, you make this really hard, you know that?

What should I do, that won't involve anxiety and or boredom, but does involve excitingness and surprise. What's something Kiera likes? Pizza? Well, that can be dinner? Movies? We could just go to a movie theater and watch movies all day...

I groan at how painstakingly hard this is. I think the impossible game is easier than planning something for Kiera. I take out a pad of paper and a pen and start compiling a list:






I have to keep my promise, I grin to myself. I try to think creative, but it's not happening. I decide to call Wade and Molly.

"Hey," Wade picks up.

"Put it on speaker. Is Molly home?"

"I'm right here Mark. What's wrong?"

"Why do you always assume something's wrong when I call?"

"You don't really call for good things, you usually just make videos or text us," Molly says.

"This is true. Well, actually, I am in a sticky situation."

"What's up?" Wade asks.

"Kiera's birthday is coming up and I want to do something special, like she did for me. Only problem is she hates her birthday. She doesn't like the idea of birthdays, in her opinion. So I'm stuck on what to do."

"Well, what does she like to do, besides game?" Molly asks.

"Watch movies, eat pizza, watch Youtubers."

"Like who?"

"She's obsesses with Aaron's videos."

"Invite him over, that can be a surprise."

"But it's not like she's never met him."

"Well, if you do it in a special manor, it could be just as special as if she had never met him," Molly says, taking reign of the situation.

"Like put him in a box and make him jump out?"

"That will probably give her an anxiety attack, not surprise her in the way you want."


"What if you had him come over and you all watched movies?"

"But that's not special enough."

"Mark, if Kiera doesn't want something big and special, don't make it that way. If you get Aaron to come over and watch movies for a day, that will be special enough for her. She doesn't like making things more than a big deal if they don't have to be."

"I guess."

"Mark, trust me on this one," Molly says. I nod and thank them both, or more or less Molly and hang up. I decide to text Aaron the idea.

<<Hey, so I need to ask a favor of you>>


<<It's almost Kiera's birthday, and I want to surprise her, but the catch is that she doesn't like big surprises. But she does like movies, pizza and snacks. And she's obsessed over you. Don't tell her I said that, she'll kill me. But what I'm wondering is if you willing to fly over to be with us?>>

<<Doesn't sound difficult. She's obsessed with me?>>

<<Not the point Aaron...>>

<<Sorry, but yeah, I'll fly out.>>

<<Thanks. Don't mention anything to her, I want to make this special.>>

<<My lips are sealed.>>

<<Thanks man>>

Now with that squared away, I start to figure out what movies. I decide to have a bunch of movies and let Kiera pick, since it is her specialish day. Pizza and cake and what not can wait.

<<Wait, when's her bday?>>

Aaron sends me and I text back the date. He thanks me and I go back to planning. This, hopefully, will be great.

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