A Date?

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Chapter 35-

Mark and I sit in our respective rooms, gaming and making Vlogs for our channels. I play some Trouble in Terrorist town with our internet friends, Minx, CinnamonToastKen, "Diction", Yami, Captain Sparkles and a few others. I hide out in a little closet and shout at Yami to kill Minx, who just tried to kill me.

"I'm innocent!" Minx shrieks. I laugh hysterically, and hear a bunch of gun shots go off. I step out of the closet and look to see Minx's virtual body on the ground, all shot up.

"I've got you Kiera," Yami says through the Skype. I thank him and make it known that we are a team so that the others who are playing know not to try and mess with us. But of course, CaptainSparkles tries to snipe me from the other building. I shriek and shoot him back, but die in my attempt.

"Noooo!!! Kiera died!!!" Yami shouts. I make fake crying and Sparkles laughs. Yami picks up my body and takes me around until he dies too, leaving Diction, Ken and Sparkels. Ken was the terrorist, but was sniped by Diction. We all respawn and I go on a killing spree, sniping everyone I see.

"Kiera's the terrorist!" Minx shouts, but dies by my hand, or should I bullet. Yami, Diction and Sparkles try to get me, but I kill them and win the fight, flashing the Innocent Victory screen.

"Wait, you weren't the terrorist?" Minx asks.

"No, I just thought it would be fun to kill everyone."

"I was the terrorist," Yami laughingly admits. We play several more rounds, until we switch to Prop Hunt. I'm not so good at the hiding aspect, but when it comes to seeking, I'm very good. I find most people, but die everytime I hide. Mark joins us later,playing until we decide we're done. We all log off and I shut off my laptop and try to clean up a few things. A knock on my door stops me.

"Kiera..." I hear Mark say. I open the door to Mark standing there, in shorts and a T-shirt.

"Yes, what is it?" I ask.

"I was wondering..." A long pause. I see Mark shifting awkwardly, trying to find words.

"You okay there Mark?" I ask.

"Um...yeah...I'm just....I have a question for you."

"Shoot," I say, leaning on the wall.

"I was wondering...what's the fanciest outfit you have?" Mark asks. I ponder the question and then go to my closet and look. Nothing really is fancy per say, but I can put some nicer things together. I grab a few choices and show them to Mark. He points to one with a nicer pair of jeans, and a cute top that Rae Ann gave me a while ago.

"Okay, be ready in one hour."

"Wait, Mark..."


"Is this like a...date?"

"Well, that was my intention. Is that okay?"

"Oh! Yeah!" I say, extremly surprised. Mark smiles and blushes for a moment and retreats to his room. My mind races. I can't belive that Mark...WHAT?!

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