Chopped, It Goes Horribly Wrong....

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Chapter 61-

Our kitchen is shaped like a "U" with a stove and oven in the middle and above it on the wall is our microwave. Counterspace surrounds it with a sink to the left and a fridge on the edge on the right. I set up a camera in the entry way sort of on a tripod so we can get some more action-y shots. Then I set one up on the counter space so that it can be manuvered at our will on both sides. I debate about adjusting it just as Mark walks out of his room with decent clothes and pants on, which is very uncommon for him.

"Awesome, so how this is going to go where I introduce the video first and you can butt in as you wish and then we'll start. The object of the challenge, persay, is to make a meal using all of these ingredients. Usually people just use plates and make it all into one disgusting meal, but we're going to make courses, just for fun. So appetizer, entree, side and dessert. Got it? I'll explain it better once we're recording."

"Got it, so I can talk when ever I want?" Mark asks and I nod.

"Ready to start?" I ask. Mark nods and we face the center camera and I hit the record button.

"Hey guys, it's me, Mark's Roommate, filming in our lovely kitchen. Today, we're doing something special."

"And by special, she means deadly, gorey, dangerous and did I mention deadly?" Mark says and I glare at him and hit him in the chest and he steps back.

"Shut up. Now, back to what I was saying. We're going a special, non deadly, video today, titled Chopped, which you probably guess from our setting and title, involves cooking, something both of us aren't exactly gifted in. So this is going to be an experience for all of us. I bet a lot of you have seen other Youtubers doing this challege with various, disgusting ingredients and our video is no exception. We have, hamburger buns," I say holding them up, " gummy bears, sriracha sauce, honey mustard, barbeque chips, salt and vinegar pringles, grahm crackers, beef jerky, apple sauce, strawberry yougurt, pickles and beets, mayo, syrup, garlic croutons and brussel sprouts."

"I think this might end up with us puking our guts out, just stating now," Mark says, his face twisted with disgust.

"Oh, hush, you'll be fine. Now, we're going to be doing this a lot differently than most I think, where we're going to be making courses, so appetizer, entree with a side and dessert. We can use all the ammentities in the kitchen too, so our toaster, oven, stove, microwave, sink all that good stuff. We'll only have thirty minutes though so nothing can be too elaborate. What else, oh and we have to use everything, so no skipping. We're going on the honors system, but if you guys see one of us skip something, comment below and then we'll laugh at each other or what ever we choose to do. Ready Mark?"

"As I'll ever be...?" he says, an edgey tone to his voice. I clap and smile.

"Alright, I'll start the timer and then we're off!" I say and hit our timer and we begin.

I start by grabbing the bag of gummy bears, strawberry yogurt and apple sauce first, getting the dessert out of the way. I position the camera so it can see what I'm doing. I take a couple spoonfuls of both the yogurt and sauce and then set the gummy bears around it in a cute little way, kind of like a flower, kind of not. I push it to the side and put the candy and other stuff back so Mark can use it. I look at my options and decide to make my entree next. I get a plate and take the hamburger buns and grab one out, for starters. I open it up and spread the mayo and sriracha sauce on it with a spreader knife. I put a few dollops of honey mustard on the side and then grab the pickles and beets and try to seperate them a bit.

"This is much harder than it looks," i say, glancing at the camera.

"What is?" Mark asks, sounding like he's struggling.

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