HOLY S**T!!!!

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Chapter 8-

I wake up in a floral room and look around. The room is nice and it's still night out, so I musn't have been out long. Phew. I get up and leave the room. Who ever lives here, they must either be busy or really lazy, cause there are tons of Cheeze-It boxes around and lots of cookie boxes and tons of other empty boxes and cartons. Plus some alchol bottles around the kitchen. Hmm. I walk around, hoping to find the person who saved me. I look and look, and as I do, it stays silent. Until a huge yell from a room down the hall. But not a help me yell, more terrified.

I run down to the room the scream came from and I burst into the room. And my jaw drops at who is sitting in the chair. Mark turns around and has a sorry look on his face.

"Sorry, that was really loud wasn't it?"


"Sorry, Mark Fishbach. Youtube gamer extrodionare. Please to meet your aquaintance, and your name is?" I stay silent, still dumbstruck. I think I might pass out again. I can't believe this. I am in the house of Markiplier, my favorite YouTuber ever. This is unbelievable.


"You okay?"

"Speechless. I'm a big fan of you. Or the Markiplier side of you."

"Well it's nice to meet a fan girl who isn't attacking me."

"Haha yeah."

"So your name?"

"Oh! Kiera."

"Nice to meet you Kiera. How old are you?"

"I'm 17. Going into my senior year."


"Yeah..." I'm pretty sure I'm blushing. Oh, this silence is so awkward.

"Are you okay? You were pretty wiped after being chased."

"Yeah, thanks so much."

"Can I ask what happened?"

"Well, that guy you knocked out, he was my "roommate." More or less. I guess less now, since stuffs awkward and he's a creep."

"Sounds nasty."

"Yeah, and now that I think about it, did you manage to get my backpack?"

"Yeah, it's in the closet, follow me." Mark leads me to the living room area and then to a closet by the door. Inside is a sweatshirt, a jacket and my backpack.

"Did you leave anything important back where he lives?"

"No, just some toiletries and my car. Which I might need..."

"Want me to drive you there?"

"Do you think that would be safe?"

"I think if your quick and quiet enough, you can get it."

"Sure," I shrug. We get into Mark's car and drive back to Kent's house. I thank him and get out, start up my car and drive away.

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