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Chapter 20-

Merida and I walk up to the schools front entrance from my car. People push by us and yell from behind, almost shattering my eardrums. Okay, not really, but it was loud. We go to her locker first then to mine then make our own way to our classes. I sit in my seat and take out my books and what not, with still a decent amout of time left. I don't have any friends in this class, so I stay sitting until some boy comes up to me.

"Hey, I've seen you somewhere before..."

"Maybe because I've been in your class all year...?" I say, smart-ass tone in my voice.

"No, well yes, but that's not what I'm thinking. Anyway, I'll probably figure it out later. But the way, my name is Connor," he says.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Kiera," I say, shaking his hand. He smiles, nods and walks away. I turn my attention to my notebook and start doodling. Class starts and we start, the teacher rambling. I get bored quickly and start to doodle in my notebook. Somehow a half decent picture of Mark comes upon the page, a chibi version. I shade it in, just in time for class to end. Connor runs up to me, a huge grin on his face.

"I figured it out!"


"You're Mark's roommate! You were on his Drunk Minecraft series once as a french maid!" He says, almost jumping up and down like a kid at a giant candy store.

"Yep, that's me," I say, a little awkwardly.

"Wow, can I like give you a hug or something...?" Connor blushes. I set my stuff down and hug him.

"Okay, thanks. Sorry that was probably a bit awkward."

"Nah it's fine," I say, walking out of the room with him. He talks about how he's a huge fan and would do anything to meet Mark.

"Why don't you come to my house after school? I don't have like any friends and Mark's pretty cool with me bringing people over since I don't have a lot of friends," I shrug.


"Yeah, Mark likes meeting fans and I like having friends," I smile. He smiles back and I really look at his features. Light brown hair with vivid green and blue eyes, like the sea on a good day. He smiles really nicely, with perfect lips and straight teeth.

"Cool. Can I meet you by the tech lab after your last class so I can follow you home?" He asks and I nod. He thanks me again and walks his own way to his next class and I walk to mine.

The rest of the day drones on as high school should, notes, lectures, homework. But when the last class rolls around, all I can think of is Connor. I mean, not in a crush way, in a friend way. He's really nice, good looking, but not at all a love interest. I just met him, plus I'll bet he has a girlfriend. The bell rings and I run to the tech lab to meet Connor.

"Hey, let's go," he nods upon my arrival. We walk out and to our cars. He follows me home and parks behind me, so he can leave with ease. We walk through the garage and into the house.

"Mark! I'm home from school and I brought a friend home!" I shout. Mark pops his head out of his room and walks over to greet Connor and I.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Mark," he says shaking Connor's hand.

"Conner," he smiles. They chat for a few minutes, Connor telling him about discovering him on YouTube and what not as I venture into the kitchen to find us snacks. Mark excuses himself to his room for gaming as always, and Connor and I sit down on the couch for homework, talking and snack.

To make a long story short, Connor stayed until about six and went home. It was fun, and we actually did homework, while talking about various topics. Mark and I eat some Chinese take-out and then I go to bed.


I walk into my first class to see Connor and a group of friends, both boys and girls, by my spot.

"What's up?" I ask.

"I have found you friends," Connor smiles. I give him a weird look.

"Okay, they're my friends. They're losers, but they like Markiplier too. I don't expect you to take them home with you too and introduce them to Mark, but you said yesterday you don't have a lot of friends, so I figured you could use some."

"Wow..um..thanks!" I say. He introduces to me to RaeAnn, Ollie, Kevin and Bailey. I recognize RaeAnn from my lunch and last hour. I've never seen Kevin, but Ollie is in my second and third hour and Bailey I think is also in my lunch. Add Merida and Connor into this group and I actually have friends!

"Hey, when people find our you know Mark, the entire student body is going to want to be your friend," RaeAnn says.

"Why?" I ask.

"People here love Mark. They might not seem like it, but pretty much everyone likes his videos. He's a hometown hero I guess you could say."

"I guess...how many kids are in your school?" I ask.

"About 500 students."

"Jeez..." I mutter. The bell rings and the four run off, saying goodbye as Connor and I take our seats. As class starts, I feel a poke on my back. I turn around to see the kid behind me holding out a small, folded up note;

Not to sound wierd, but I overheard you know Markiplier and I recognized you from his Drunk Minecraft series. You sit next to me in Chem and I'm wondering if maybe we could talk...I know I sound creepy, but you seem nice...

I scribble down a responce;

Sure :) I'm looking for some legit friends here, since I'm new and all.

I hand it back and he quickly reads it and smiles, nodding. Who knows, maybe I will become popular, but one step at a time...

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