Our Marvelously Mega Monstrous Mashup Mail time Livestream!

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Chapter 26-

Mark and I drive yet again to the post office to pick up fan mail. The amount has decreased, but still a huge amount. It takes about twenty minutes to load everything up, both of ours combined. I guess people are now combining packages and letters for the two of us to save on spending money. Smart idea on their part.

Once home it only takes ten minutes to bring everything in, since our system to bringing things in is a lot more efficient then putting it into Mark's car. Once everythings in and we're ready with snacks, knives for opening and band-aids galore, we start. But I stop up.

"Wait, I have an idea. Hang on," I say, getting up and grabbing a computer and a livestream camera. I plug everything in and tell Mark to go on all the social media sights and tell people to go onto Twitch for a fan mail livestream.

"But, we don't look decent."

"Mark, they won't judge. They like us way to much to worry. We can make a quick video of us promoting it."

"Alright, you're the boss on this one," Mark smiles. I grab a camera, like a handheld one and start to record. I run around in circles and say, "Fanmail livestream on Twitch. Now! Go watch it! Now! Mark, tell them I watch it!" I point the camera at Mark and he says in a funny voice, "Watch it!" I stop recording and we load it up onto both of our channels a bit later and then promote on social networks. I open Twitch and get all that set up and start it. People join us as Mark gets the living room organized. I entertain the growing audience until it reaches about six thousand on and we start.

Our method is to open, read and then show off the stuff given. A lot of amazing fan art and really cool ice cube trays for the two of us to share. My favorite personal gift is a tie blanket with Mark and my logos on it. It must have taken a lot to make this and to get the personalized material. I thank the person over and over, as I wrap myself in it, moving on to more and more stuff. Mark gets a life sized card board cut out of Slender Man. It's actually like eight feet tall, with tentacles and everything.

The livestream goes on for four hours, including all the reading of letters and side chatter. We thank everyone for the millionth time and stop the stream. We clean the living room and sort out our gifts. I got a few games, some coffee mugs, a bunch of persoanlized fan art, some stuffed animals and a butt load of letters. I put them all some what organized into a box and set it at the edge of my bed. I rewrap myself in the blanket and play some games on my laptop, no recording, just for fun.

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