Swept Off My Feet Literally

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Chapter 36-

Mark knocks on my door exactly one hour later, right as I'm done fixing my hair. I tell him to come in while I make sure I'm not missing anything.

"You look fabulous," Mark compliments. I turn to see him, and return the compliment. He's wearing a solid pink shirt, with a nice pair of jeans. He extends his hand to me and I take it, following him out to the car. He opens the passangers door for me and gestures for me to slide in. I do and he closes it and then goes to the drivers side and gets in.

"Where are we going even?" I ask, suddenly realizing I have no idea were our destination is.

"It's a surprise," Mark nods. I get a little flutter of excitement and watch as we drive to where ever it is. We chat on our way there, making jokes about all sorts of things and tease each other. We finally arrive at out destination, Olive Garden.

"You made me get dressed up for Olive Garden?"

"Oh come on, don't complain," Mark teases and gets out of the car, running around to help me out, like a gentleman. I take his hand and step out of the car. We walk into the restaurant, to a huge busy entrance. I give Mark and uneasy look, but he smirks. We walk up to the podium and Mark tells them his name. He made a reservation, how smart of him. We follow a host to a table towards the back and we sit. I look at the menu and order a Rasberry Lemonade.

When we order, I get the Five Cheese Ziti al Forno and Mark gets Tortellini al Forno. Our salad and breadsticks come and we start to eat.

"So, can I ask you a question?" I ask Mark. He looks up, breadstick half in his mouth.

"Hmm?" he manages chewing.

"Haha, my question is why did you ask me out?"

"Well," he swallows, "I like you, a lot. I figured, we've been friends for a long time, and I've liked you for a long time, but decided to keep it to myself, as so not to freak you out. I've cared for you like a brother, but have cared about you more than a brother would."

"Oh, wow. I wasn't expecting that, honestly."

"Is it okay? I know that we're roommates, and I'm hoping it works, cause if not..that would be awkward."

"Right, right. I gotcha. I hope it does too," I smile. Mark blushes and then takes a huge bite of bread. I laugh and we talk about other random subjects. The waitress brings out dishes and we eat, still talking and making jokes. When we're done and Mark's paid, we get up and go to the car.

"Home?" I ask, but Mark shakes his head.

"You thought that was it?"

"Well...yeah," I admit. Mark grins and pulls out of the parking lot. We drive towards home but take a turn away, towards a big park I've been to a couple times. I look over at Mark, confused, but he assures me that he knows where we're going. I trust him and relax, not getting worked up.

We pull into a parking lot at that park I mentioned and Mark helps me out of the car and takes my hand, guiding me. We walk across the park to the waterfront entrance. I give Mark another confused look, but he squeezes my hand and takes me down. The lake front is beautiful.

The cool water rides on and off the shore, the cool air refreshing. I see a little blanket in the distance, some candles near it. Mark takes me to it, pulling me along, stilll blushing. I take it all in, the beautiful set up, the perfect mood, and the amazing meal before hand. Mark and I sit down, the candles surronding us. We sit in silence, as I watch the little waves move in and out and the setting sun drop down slowly.

"I have an idea," Mark nudges me.

"Hmm?" I look at him.

"Take off your shoes." I do so and Mark helps me up, slipping off his and his socks. I do the same. He takes my hand and pulls me out to the water line. We run into the warm water, it going up to our ankles. We chase each other around the shore, splashing each other every once in a while. I almost fall over, but Mark catches me. I look up into his eyes, hazel eyes connecting with mine. He sweeps me up, and carries me, wedding style, back to the blanket and sets me down in his lap. He arms around me and pulls me close and kisses my cheek. I blush and snuggle closer to him. We sit for a long time, silent, in the moment.

After a while, I start to get cold and shiver. Mark looks at me, and then the time.

"Late, do you want to go home?" he asks. I debate about it.

"Yeah, but not because I''m bored!" I make sure he understands that part.

"Alright," he laughs, sweeping me up again. He carries me all the way to the car and sets me in it gently, the goes to the drivers side and gets in. We sit, talking all the way home and park in the garage. We go in and I debate about what to do. Go to my room or stay out here?

"Kiera," Mark says.


"Before you go to your room..." he says, walking to me, grabs the side of my face, leans in and kisses me. His soft but firm lips meeting mine. I close my eyes and loose myself for a moment. When we break apart, I am stunned, but extremely happy.

"What if I don't want to go to my room?" I ask.

"You want to sleep on the couch? It's not very comfy..."

"No. I don't want to sleep alone," I say, hoping Mark isn't being made uncomfortable. He thinks for a moment and then nods. I smile and go to my room to get on more comfy PJs and then go across to his room. He's wearing sweatpants and a tank top, something he rarely wears. We fall asleep like the time after Connor and I brokeup, his arm slung around me, pulling me closer. I wiggle close and he kisses my cheek goodnight.

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