Calming Thoughts and A Break Through

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Chapter 38-

I've been here for over twenty four hours and I'm starving. I've been feeling really light headed and sick recently. Kent checks on me constantly and has given me a couple sips of water to keep me awake and somewhat living. I constantly hope that he'll give in and feed me, cause if I die, he won't ever have his way with me, unless he goes crazy and bangs my corpse. I shutter at the thought and lay down again on the bed. It's messy and uncomfortable. I try to keep myself somewhat sane by dreaming of Mark.

What if I never get to see him again though? What if I die in here and I'm never found? What's Mark thinking? Does he think I've gone to a friends house and forgot to call or text and my phone died? No, he knows I always will find a way to call. I can't imagine what he's going through. But it's only been a day, and Mark knows where Kent lives, since he doesn't live far and after I woke up from his first attack, Mark drove me here to get my car. I feel slightly reassured that Mark will figure out where I am soon enough and I'll be safe again in his arms.

Kent comes in for the fourth time today and asks me the horrible question, "Are you hungry?"

"Yes." I say.

"Will you let me have my way with you?"

"No," I reply and he slaps me across the face. It stings but I take it and he slams the door shut, locks it and stomps away. He's getting impatient, I can tell. It's only probably a matter of time until he just rapes me. I start to cry at the thought. I can't even begin to comprehend that thought of him...I shutter again and cry into my pillow, falling asleep again.

I wake up only about an hour later. I can tell by the sun light in my room, it's changed only a bit. I sigh and stare at the ceiling and try to take my mind off the current state and recall old daydreams I made up when I was little, like where my old elementary crush and I "fell in love" after we survived a freezing blizzard together. Or like one where I almost fall off a ski lift and he pulled me back up and we kissed. Ugh, I wasn't the smartest kid, I'll admit that. Hours pass as memories flutter in and out of my head. I start to get stir crazy and get up and start pacing, doing jumping jacks, but get a bad headache and really light headed from not eating a lot and working out to an extent. When is this going to end?



Where the hell is Kiera?! She's not at any of her friends houses, here in Cincinnati or back in her home town. Where could she be? She's not picking up her phone, answering texts and non of her friends have seen her. It's been an entire 24 hours since she went missing, so I call in the police a missing persons report. I tell them everything they ask for and when I hang up, I make a drastic decision to post a video on the internet, asking if anyones seen her or something or has a lead.

I post it and go into her room for the hundreth time today, looking for any odd clues, like obviously missing things or messed up stuff, as if someone came in here and took stuff. After two hours of searching her room again I go to the couch and try to calm down, by watching TV. A knock makes me jump and then fills me with excitement. I run to the door and swing it open, only to see Connor.

"Mark, is Kiera back yet?" he asks, worried.

"No, she's still missing. Have you..?"

"No, I haven't seen her, or heard from her or anything. I'm really sorry."

"It's alright, I believe you. You can come in if you want," I motion. He shakes his head and stands there for a second.

"When she comes back, tell her to call me. I want to try again with her, fresh and new. I want to appologize again and try to talk to her again."

"Alright, when she comes home, I'll give her the message," I nod and he thanks me and goes to his car. Awkward, so awkward. The phone rings and I pick up.

"Hello?" I say.

"Mark? Are you okay?!" he fantically asks, "I saw your video on YouTube."

"I'm as okay as I can be..."

"Mark, don't give up. Have you called the police?"

"Yeah, not to long ago."

"Alright. Do you want me to come over? I can help you make posters or something." I think about it.

"If you want to," I shrug. Wade says he'll be over in about an hour. I hang up and throw the phone at the wall. I'm going to go crazy if Kiera isn't found soon.

When Wade gets here, he bro hugs me, Molly following him in.

"Oh,Mark. It'll be alright," she hugs me. I pat her back and let her go. They sit on the couch and I tell them the story again, more descriptive.

"I don't know what to do..." I say, putting my head in my hands.

"Does she have anyone who would want to hurt her?" Molly asks.

"No, everyone around her really likes her or doesn't know here. Kidnap isn't common at all if it's a stranger."

"Okay, rule all the strangers out. Is there anyone you've met of, heard of even, that's hurt her recently or ever?"

"Connor, her ex, but he came over today, asking me to convince her to call him when she came home. I don't think he has her."

"It could be a cover up, just sayin," Molly shrugs.

"How so?"

"I wouldn't trust him. From what I've heared of him, I don't trust him. He seems...sketchy?"


"If you trust him, then do. But don't completely rule him out." I nod and we sit in silence. I try to recall all the people Kiera's told me about that had any negative stories or moments with her. I rule out the minor ones, like slamming her locker, teasing her once or twice. I rule Rae Ann, Merida, her close friends out. Her parents cross my mind.

"Her parents?" I offer.

"Ooh, an idea," Wade nods. I try to find their number and do in Kiera's room in an old notebook. I call them. After a half hour of somewhat descrete asking them about her and their last moments with her, trying to find any flaws in stories. After a long time of failing to get any slip ups, I say bye and hang up, putting my head in my hands again. We sit in silence for what seems like forever until Wade sucks in a I-think-I-figured-it-out breath.

"Who was that guy that Kiera lived with before you?"


"Remember you rescued her from some insane guy...Kenny or Kendall or something? She talked about him once or twice?" I think hard for his name.

"Kent," I remember.

"What about him? Didn't he want to...have sex with her?" Wade recalls and it all comes clear.

"He has her," I conclude.

"Do you remember where he lives?"

"Yeah, a few blocks down, right, left and one more block."

"Let's go!" Wade bolts up.

"No, we need back up for this. He's probably insane, and probably has weapons. This is the polices deal," I say, picking up the phone, telling them what I've got. Oh, please let us find her soon, and not hurt at all...

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