Kent's Back...

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Chapter 37-

I walk down the street on a walk after breakfast. I haven't left home all week and really need to be outside a bit. Cincinnati during the summer is beautiful, the trees on the block bloom beautifully, the birds chirp and fly above us, and the warm sun is well, warm. I wave to a few teenagers who recognize me and say hello. I briefly talk to a few and take one picture. On my way I go, stopping the gas station, getting a Mountain Dew and bag of BBQ potato chips, just cause I can. I walk to a nearby park and sit around, some kids playing, their parents chatting on the benches and while watching their kids.

I sit under a maple tree and have my snack, enjoying the wonderful summer weather. I get up and throw away my garbage and head back home, walking slowly and calmly. I hear a rustly behind me, and turn around casually, just out of reflex, but see nothing. Probably just a squirrel or little animal passing behind me. I keep walking for another block or so, until I hear it again. I turn around and wait for a moment. Another animal? Not completley out of the question, there are millions of animals on this earth. I keep walking, slightly picking up my pace, but remind myself that I'm in a public place and that nobody and nothing will hurt me. I smile and reassure myself and keep walking. Some fans from before shout hello to me and I wave back out of kindness.

Almost home, I hear the rustling again, just as I pass by some older houses and some thin woods that act as boundaries. I feel a chill up my spin but shake it off. I keep walking until I get an odd sensation that someone or something is following me. Did a squirrel see me eating at the park and want to follow me? I turn around and suddenly a bag is on my head and I'm being dragged. I shout but black out.

I wake up in a familiar room and try to remember how it, in anyway possible. It's not any of my friends room, from here in Cincinnati or back home. I look around, it's not my room at Mark's, so where is it? I get up and walk around, trying to find something that might trigger a memory. I look at the floor, the walls and then out the window and it hits me...

I'm in the room that I stayed in when I lived with Kent temporarily.

I start to panic, and try to open the window, but it's bolted shut. I tap the walls, trying to find a weak spot or something. I try in the closet, nothing. I start to have a bad anxiety attack, and then feel my phone in my back pocket. I take it out and try to call Mark. No service. I tense up and my head races at a million miles per hour. I get all hot and nauseous. I hear the door click open and I duck into a corner and shake. He steps in and laughs.

"Hello, Kiera," he smiles.

"Hey..." I manage.

"How are you?" He asks, sitting on the bed.

"" I ask, trying to be as polite as possible.

"Horrible actually. I feel very...bored. Yeah, that's how I'll but it. You see, you skipped out on me, Kiera. You left me, and I just wanted to have fun. I just wanted to have a fun time. Why did you leave?" He asks me, inching closer and closer, until he is right in my face. I sweat even more and almsot start to cry.

"" I stammer, unable to find any sort of words. He laughs at my failure and then smacks me across the face. I shriek out and he slaps me again.

"Shut it you brat. I can't have us getting caught," he snaps. He takes out his phone and looks at the time.

"Almost dinner time. Are you hungry?" he asks, calmer.

"Yeah," I nod. He gets close to my face again and licks my ear and kisses my neck.

"I'll give you dinner if you let me have my way with you," he whispers. I shake my head. He gets up and scowls at me.

"Then someone doesn't get food," he says, "I won't feed you until you let me have my way with you. You're a very beautiful girl Kiera, I don't see why you're so uptight," he says starting to walk out.


"What?" he asks, turning around hopeful.

"If I let you have your way with me, and you feed me, can I go?"

"Kiera, I would feed you in general if I only wanted to have sex with you once, but this isn't a one time deal honey," he smirks and closes the door and locks it. I lean my head on the wall and try to calm myself down, my mind still racing at a trillion miles per second. I want Mark, I want him to get me. I can't get out though the window, my phone has no service, and the only way out is to let Kent do me, and who knows how many times. I panic again at the thought but calm down again this time more quicker.

I try to think of more ways out, quick ways. Cause if I try to bust through that wall, well, that's really loud and near impossible with out tools. I can't dig. I could try to smash the window and block up the door so I could get out, but something tells me that won't work. I lie down on the bed and try to fall asleep, hoping an idea comes to me, my stomach rumbling...

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