An Idea?

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Chapter 4-

I get my stuff into my car and hug Kallie one last time. It's 7 o'clock in the morning. I'm exhausted from the party last night, but awake enough to drive a bit. I remind Kallie to tell her parents thank you from the bottom of my heart and to text me soon. I climb into my car and drive away. I turn on the radio and sing along to the random songs, off key and loud. I drive to a newer apartment complex and go in to the main office thing. 

I ask if any apartments would work for me and I end up with one. I move in right away and get situated. Once I'm all done, I head to the mall for job searching. I first check out Hot Topic, my favorite store. Sure enough, an open position. I fill out an application and then go to get a coffee as they read over it and do stuff with it. I return back thirty minutes later and I'm asked a few questions for an interview then asked to wait a moment. 

Ten minutes later, I am offered a position. I accept and leave the store, as my first shift starts tomorrow. (A/N: I realize that typically you don't get a position or job that fast, but I don't know much about this stuff and I need this story to go slightly faster) I go back to my apartment and call Kallie and tell her.

"Oh my gosh! Congrats!"

"Thanks. I'm actually really happy. I get to work at the place I've always wanted to work at."

"Good for you Kiera!"

"Yeah. How did your parents react?"

"They actually miss you."

"Oh, well, still, I'm sticking to my guns with my choice."

"You do what you need to do. Hey, I'm sorry to cut this short, but bro's got a football game and I get crappy service there. Talk to you later."

"Bye!" I hang up and sigh. I have no TV, but I do have a laptop. I turn it on and waste four hours, watching videos and surfing the internet of randomness. I play a couple games and then turn in for the night, setting my alarm for 8 o'clock. 


I wake up and quickely get ready, drive to Panera, grab some cake then head to the mall for my first day.

To skip all the extreme details, I'll give you an overview. I got there, punched in and shadowed a nice co-worker named Brooke, with short layered and colored hair. She has a lip piercing and tons on ear piercings. She let me do some ringing up and showed me how to stock stuff. Customers come in and look around, a couple buy some band shirts and cool graphic ones. Once the day is done, we do inventory and lock up.

I get "home" at almost 9:30 and the lay down and look at my computer. I watch some Mark and Yami and pass out. 


It's been a month and I'm starting to dislike the apartment idea. I got this crazy idea a few weeks ago, and only now am I considering it...

I could make a YouTube channel. I could make a video. In that video would be a quick message asking for some shelter. Not many people would watch it, and those who do could help me...Sounds horrible, but I can't stand it here anymore. Plus school is starting soon and I can't live in a crap hole. 

So I go ahead with the idea and hope for the very best. 


A/N: Hello readers of this fine story. It's me, you're lovely author. What do you think so far? Does Kiera's idea sound dumb? I mean the kid could get raped or something. Or killed. But don't worry that won't happen. Just stick with this and you'll get the idea soon enough. 

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