A Cat Needs Some Love and So Does Mark

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Chapter 68-

It's been a week since we got home and today I have decided is the perfect day to get Mark back into the dating game. Lucky for me, a nearby bar is hopping with young women his age and cheap drinks. Unluckily for me, Mark is in a flunk. 

"Just put on some jeans..." I say as he lays on his bed like a starfish in a dark grey t-shirt and his Markiplier PJ pants. 

"But what if nothing happens...it'll be a waste."

"No it won't. You're worrying too much about this. Just get up and go. Don't worry about other people. Just be you. If the right girl is going to come along she will. Maybe not tonight, but you'll never know if you don't try Markimoo. Now c'mon. Cheap drinks and food and cute girls await." 

He lays there for a few minutes then sighs and gets up. He ushers me out so he can change. I gladly leave to go to my own room. I decide to make myself look somewhat decent, at least presentable to some people of the world. I tie my hair up in a cute but messy bun and knock on Mark's door.

"Ready yet?" 

He doesn't respond.

"Mark, c'mon..."

Still no response.

"Dude, what is up?" I ask opening the door. He's looking very intently at his closet. "You...you doing all right buddy?"

"Wha...yeah sorry...just want to look a little nicer...can you help me?"

"Of course I can," I grin. I pick him out an outfit then let him change. He comes out and looks at me. "Should I put on cologne?"

"If you want. I don't think it could hurt. Just don't bathe in it..." I caution. He nods and goes into his room and gently sprays some smell on his body. We check give each other a dorky thumbs up and then leave the house. 

The drive is fairly quiet besides the radio. We get to the bars parking lot, do the car stopping thing then go inside. There's some music playing and people everywhere. We sit down at a table and start to assess the situation.

"Since I can't go to the actual bar, you'll have to actually go and do the dirty work yourself. But I can sort of help from here. I can help you find someone and maybe wave her over. I can get a girl to lighten up but I can't woo her...got it?"

Mark nods.

"Cool, shall we get some drinks and food then start the night?" I ask and Mark nods. We get some drinks, himself a beer of some sort and I get a Mountain Dew. We order some nachos and some fries and start to look around as we wait. Mark points to a girl who is with a friend. She has long beach blonde hair and is wearing some jean booty shorts. I look at him and shrug. "Your call lover boy."

"Do you think I'd have a chance?"

"Can't tell you from here. How about you go over and start talking to her? If you think it's going badly just end the conversation and I'll be here to pat your shoulder in sympathy. Now off you go..." I usher him out of the table area and over to the bar. I sip on my soda as I watch him go. For a few moments it's awkward then it seems to work but then he smiles and walks back.

"What happened? Looked good from here..."

"Her voice made me wish I could hear the Slender static instead."

"Yikes, okay...new person...her!" I point at a girl with long dark red, obviously dyed, hair. She's wearing a tank top that I think I recognize from Target and some tight jeans. She's even wearing converse. Mark looks at her. "She looks good. I'll be back," he says going over. They talk for longer, long enough that the food comes and I've started on the nachos when he comes back. 

"And the turn off was...?"

"I think she was on drugs..."

"Whelp...let's avidly avoid that." I say. We eat and chat happily for a while until this girl comes over.

"Hi," she says. She's wearing an old shirt that I recognize from Hot Topic and some jeans that aren't too tight but go hold onto her body well. 

"Hi," we say back.

"I couldn't help but notice you," she says now directly to Mark. 

"Oh?" he says, wiping his mouth and smiling awkwardly. 

"Yeah, you had some unlucky moments with some other girls...happens to the best of us I guess. My name is Charlotte. And yours is?" she asks, extending her hand.

"Oh, Mark. This is my roommate, Kiera." I smile and shake her hand. 

"Do you want to sit down?" I ask her. "Oh, thanks yeah," she says taking her spot next to Mark. We start talking about life and how we used to live away and all that jazz and about our jobs. We learn that she has a job as a secretary at a dentists office but she hates the dentist because he's a literal creeper. 

She learns that we're Youtubers and go on crazy adventures and then her face lights up.

"I knew I recognized you two. Don't worry I'm not some crazy fan. My little sister was obsessed with you two. She's mellowed out but god when she finds out I met you two, she's going to flip."

"Do you have to go?" Mark asks sadly.

"Yeah, sorry I can't stay longer. I have to get back to my apartment. I have a cat who's been home all day and needs some love."

"Well how about you take my number and then when your cat has all the love it needs and you aren't busy dealing with your creeper dentist...you call me and we can continue this conversation." Mark says. She blushes and so does he. Mark puts his number into her phone and then she's off.

"I liked her." We both say at the same time.  

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