Jeez, That Was Close...

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Chapter 7-

I load everything into my vehicle and start leaving for Ohio. It's going to be a long trip, but I can do it. I have a radio and my newly bought iPod from the money for my job. Probably not the wisest choice, but I still have some left over. I get onto the highway and turn up the radio jams. Jennifer Lopez's Get on The Floor is playing and I jam out, while driving. I bob my head and think.

This is going to be great. Once I'm settled, I'll deal with all of my school stuff then really relax until senior year starts. Simple enough. I get hungry about three hours later and pull over for some Sabarro, grabbing a slice of pizza and the biggest pop I can get. I get back into my car and start off again, eating as I drive. My goal is to get to my new "home" before midnight, which should be possible as long as I don't have to many stops and very little traffic.

------------------------- Later ------------------

I am about an hour away. I call Kent and tell him I'm almost there. He sounds really happy, but tired. Probably from school and getting ready for me. I drive, listening to my iPod music now. Paramore's That's What You Get playing as I awkwardly sing very off key. I'm definitely not a singer, but oh well.

I get onto the street and start scanning for the address. Small houses line the road. I find it only seconds later and I pull into the driveway. I stop the car and get out. Kent comes out of the front door. My first thought? DAMN!! THIS GUY IS CUTE!!!

He's tall, muscular and skinny. His hair is brown, slightly choppy but still managed. He wears a tank top, basketball shorts and flip flops.

"Hey!" he greets.

"Hey! Nice to finally meet you," I smile.

"Need some help?" he asks, noding to my trunk. I nod and I pop it open. He grabs a bag and brings it in, no problem. I marvel at his strength, but shake my head. He's my roommate, not a dating option. That would be awkward as hell. I bring my backpack in and follow him to my room. It's pretty decent sized. Room for everything I need. There's also a bed already in it. I thank him again and he tells me for the hundreth time it's no big deal.

After I'm all unpacked, I go out to the living room. Kent is sitting on the couch watching some TV. I join him and realize he's watching Private Practice. He switches it off.

"Sorry, I don't want to be rude your first night here."

"Oh, no worries. I actually kinda like shows like that."

"Oh! You don't seem like that kind of girl."

"Looks can be deciving I guess."

"Haha," Kent laughs, switching the TV back on. Only a few minutes later, Kent flings his arm behind me. Friendly jesture? I think not. I look for a clock and yawn. 

"Sorry, I'm really tired. Driving takes a lot out of me when it's long distance."

"Understandable," Kent nods, looking dissapointed. I shrug it off and go to my room. 

The next day I wake up and Kent is gone. Proabably out working or at a class. I decide that this is the perfect time to get working on transfering my high school stuff from home to here. After four hours of annoying phone calls, everything is settled. Kent comes home only an hour, while I'm busy playing Slender  Haunt on my laptop. I greet him before resuming my game.

"Hey, I have a question," he starts.


"Would you like to go to dinner at this pizza place down the street?"

"Um, okay." This time, it can only be a friendly gesture. I mean, he probably wants to get to know me better, considering we'll be living together for who knows how long.

"Cool, how about we leave in an hour?"

"Perfect," I say and go back to my room to play and get ready. In that hour, I save my game, shower and change into some shorts and a homemade tank from a band shirt I bought at Hot Topic when I worked there. A Paramore one with a CD heart on it. My favorite shirt ever. 

Kent and I get into his car and drive to the pizza place. The pizza is amazing! Perfect combo of cheese, sauce and dough. We even got pineapple on it, a favorite topping we share. We talk and talk, getting to know each other. He's really nice and single. Hmm, might want to keep that in mind. He compliments me a few times, just being nice. Slightly creepy at first, but I learn to take it as a friend would. Nicely. Only thinking that he means well. 

After dinner, we go back to the house and we watch TV. He does the arm thing again and I sigh and allow it. I decide it must just be his way of awkwardly being friendly. I mean, the guy is super cute and single, so what do I have to worry about? Right?


It's been two weeks and I'm getting sort of creeped out. I can figure out why Kent is being super nice. Like over the top nice. Like Overly Protvective meme nice...he likes me. Like way to much. It's weird. I've been good at averting and "friend-zoning him" as I would have called it back home. 

Tonight, I sit in my room. Kent comes home from work and knocks at my door.


"Can I come in?"

"Yeah," I say. My door clicks open as he steps in. He closes it behind him. I pause my game as Kent sits on my desk chair, me on my bed. 

"Can I admit something?"


"You're really pretty. I've thought that since I first met you."


"Sorry, I know it's a little awkward. I'm a lot older than you. It sounds almost pedoish."

"Sadly yes. But you aren't bad looking yourself."



"Thanks," he smiles. We sit in silence for a bit, until he moves to my bed. He closes my laptop and pushes it aside. He leans in and touches my shoulder. I freeze in place. I back up, but Kent comes closer. 


"Shhh," he whispers. He gets closer to me and I tense up even more. I feel his hot breath on my neck, as his hands, sink lower, towards my shorts. I try to slap him away, but he's persistent.


"Shhh, you're ruining the moment."


"Shhh!" he practially yells. I kick him and he pins me down. He leans in to kiss me but I hit him with my head. Ouch. 

"Bitch!" he says slapping me. I wince in pain. Kent keeps me down and tries to rip off my shirt. I eventually fight him off, and somehow, lock him out long enough to throw everything necessary, like clothes, my laptop, charger and shoes into my backpack, leaving  my sheets and toiletries. I open my window and by then, Kent has kicked the door down. God, this guy is crazy. I jump out the window, onto the ground only a couple feet down. I start to run, Kent chasing me. Jeez, this guy really wants to fuck doesn't he. 

I run to my car, but forgot the keys in my bag, so I run down the street, screaming for help. Nobody. What is everyone out for pizza or something? Unlucky. I run, Kent still after me. Looks can be really decieving I guess. I start to pant and get nauseaus. I ache everywhere, but I can't slow down. Cause if I do, Kent will get me and proabably rape me. 

I run and run, not knowing how long it will take until he gives up or someone will help. I cross a street and pass the pizza place. I come upon some more houses and start screaming again, begging for anyone at this point. Kent, is close behind me. I can practiacally hear his panting. I hear a porch door open and a guy yelling. Great just what I need, another guy. Damn, but anyone who can help is good. 

"Hey let go of me you bastard!" Kent yells, I slow to a stop and turn around. It's so dark, I can barely make out the person who has Kent in his arms. Seconds later, Kent's voice stops and I hear a thud. I hope he's only unconcious. I feel really weak and tired. I can barely stand. My savior guy dude walks towards me and I pass out, right as he is able to catch me.

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