Connor and I...What?

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Chapter 27-

"Are you almost here?" I ask Connor on the phone.

"Almost, two more minutes."

"Alright," I say and hang up. I check my hair one last time and fix some of my mascara just in time for Connor to pull up. Mark peeks out his door and whistles.


"Going on a date?"

"No, a party. I wanted to try and look decent while also wearing comfy clothes," I say, gesturing to my outfit. It's a British flag shirt from Delias that hang off the shoulder, a tank top under. I wear shorter shorts, but still longer than most girls' my ages.

"I like the make up."

"Fantabulistic. I hope to be home before three."

"Late much?"

"You get home at eight in the morning sometimes. Shut it."

"Alright," Mark laughs, "Have fun. Make good choices!"

"Aight!" I shout, running out to Connor's car.

"We're picking up Merida and Rae Ann."

"Alright," I nod, buckling up. We drive to Merida's and pick her up along with Rae Ann who was there getting ready with her. We drive off to the party at some guy named Axel's house. He's a popular football player and the team just won the state game. I guess he wanted to celebrate and everyone from our grade is invited. I didn't plan on going, but when my friends decided it would be fun for one night, I decided at last minute to go too.

We park on the street about three blocks from his house, but you can slightly hear the music blasting. This guys house must be really nice if we're all invited. I guess he doesn't expect the whole grade to go, but then again, our grade is really big and a lot of them are party kids. We walk up to the house and are greeted by some other football players who I recognize and say hello back.

Inside the house, it's packed. We can walk with ease, but just barely. Add another, oh, about thirty kids and you wouldn't be able to move. The house isn't huge, but it is big. Bigger than most around the area at least. We wander to the living room and find a spot next to the fireplace and stay there.

"It's loud," Rae Ann complains.

"We can move," I suggest and the others nod in agreement. We go to the dining room and stand in the corner. It's pretty move able here, but it reeks of beer, a lot like Mark's room after Drunk Minecraft...

We chat for a while, and are offered some drinks by a nice guy who I recognize from English. I grab a beer, open it and hold it. No one will bother me this way, so I don't have to deal. Connor takes a few sips and gags.

"I don't understand how people like this thing."

"What does it taste like?" Rae Ann asks.

"It's hard to" he offers, laughing. Rae Ann cracks up as do all of us. Connor leaves to get some snacks and Merida goes to talk to a friend from art that she sees. Rae Ann and I stay together and chat. Some drunk guy, tall and muscular comes over and dances with us for a minute then leaves. We laugh and continue our conversation.

Connor returns much later with some chips and pretzels. We nibble on them, conversing about a variety of subjects. Merida comes back and joins in, then is whisked away by another friend who is drunk. She apologizes and we say what ever. Connor sees some guy friends and joins them a bit later and Rae Ann and I stay there, so if someone comes back, we can easily be reunited.

"Come with me to the kitchen. I do wanna find something good to drink..." We wander into the kitchen and she asks a popular girl named Viera to mix her a drink. She smiles, giggles and mixes her something that tasty. Rae Ann thanks her and we walk out. She sips away and I stay away from the alchol. I've seen what it can do, and I'm not a fan. It's fun for a while, but after a long night of Drunk Minecraft, it's not pretty for Mark.

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