Jack and Aaron

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Chapter 72-

I hear my phone start to ring under the desk. I've been doing my best to keep my phone on the floor while I record, just to keep out distractions as much as possible. Charlotte is over today, what a surprise. Not that I don't like her it's just that she's over All. The. Time.

Like literally! The night she came over for dinner, she and Mark well, did that thing...and then she left the next morning no biggie. Then two days passed and at every waking second, Mark was texting her. Again, no issue, I'm happy for him, but it was a constant buzz...buzz...buzz...buzz...buzz coming from his phone, it nearly drove me insane. Now they're like an official couple and it's cute. They like to cuddle on the couch so I retreat to my room. A lot. Or the office. What a lovely time really. I get a lot done, I've even been helping Mark with editing in my spare time. Night time is hard though, cause like...yeah. Stuff. 

Thank all the holy beings in the world that I have headphones that are reaaaaalllllllly good at blocking out other sounds. Mark actually appologized, after the fact, for being a nusiance with her at night. 

"Why don't you know...go to her place once in a while hmm?" I suggested when he mentioned it.

"She has a cat?"

"Yeah and so?!" 

"I would get distracted..."

"Ummmmmmmmmmm sir...."

"AURGH KIERA! NOT THAT WAY WHAT THE HELL?? Like I wouldn't even think about that stuff cause of the cat, I'd want to befriend it."

"Good, make more friends. Speaking of which, did you ever respond to Jack slash Sean?"

"Yes, Mom."

The conversation ended there because I decided that I wasn't going to take his "mom" shit jokes that day and proceeded to kick him playfully in the shins.

But regardless, my phone is ringing. I glance down at the caller ID and see it's Kallie. I pause the recording and game, which is Minecraft and pick up the phone.

"Hello! Long time no chat!" I say. 

"Oh my god I honestly thought you wouldn't pick up, hi Kiera!"

"Hi Kallie I miss you," I smile to myself. I haven't talked to Kallie since...I want to say since Mark and I lived in Ohio. Wow...

"God I miss you too. I just felt like calling, since you're out doing stuff now, being fancy with your roommate and all that jazz."

"Well, you've got to update me on your life. My life is slapped on every social media sight on the planet," I joke. Kallie laughs.

"Very true. Umm well, graduation happened, and I went to college for a while. Dropped out to get a full time job since my parents decided they were done paying for me. I'm taking community college classes now, no longer at the university, unfortunately. But it's still something and I'm just happy with that. I've stayed in contact though with a lot of our old high school crew. Tyler and Beatrice. Zerah changed schools senior year though. Beatrice went off to the university up north and Tyler is at some artistic music and visual arts school. We actually dated for the summer before we left for school. That was kind of fun..."

"Wait what?"

"Yeah, wow I forgot you didn't know..."

"Yeah...well you know how it is, if you don't call I probably won't either."

"Some things about you didn't change hmm Kiera?"

"Nope," I laugh. Then a question strikes me. "Have you heard about my family at all? I haven't talked to them in a long time...not since I went home for that short period and Mark made that video..."

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