Why Didn't He Respond For So Long?

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Chapter 32-

I close my computer and set it on my desk and call Connor.

"Hey," he picks up.

"Hey darling. Wanna hang out?"

"Sure, where?"

"You come over?"

"Why not?"

"Alright, see you here," I smile and hang up. I fix my hair and change out of my pajamas and into jeans and a T-shirt. I call into Mark's room and tell him Connor's coming over and I sense he nods, probably still sleeping. He was out late with Bob and is a little hungover I'm pretty sure.

I sigh and fix the living room up a bit, since Mark and I don't really clean it all that much. I put pillows back on the couch and put dirty dishes into the sink to wash later. I throw out old boxes and wrappers from various eatings. Connor pulls up and I unlock the front door for him. He steps in and comes over to kiss me as I do some finishing touches.

"How are you?"

"Fantastic," I smile. I take his hand and we sit on the couch. We chat for a while, eat some snacks and watch a few old SpongeBobs that are on TV.

"Hey, this is really sudden, but I need to go," Connor says.

"Oh, okay. See you later?"

"Of course darling," he smiles and gets up. He kisses my forehead and walks out. I lock the door and turn off the TV. I go to my room after telling Mark that Connor's gone. I hear an unpleasant sound and step in.

"You alright?"

"I feel horrible."

"That's what you get for stay out late drinking. Want some eggs?"

"Sure," he moans and tries to sit up. I go to the kitchen and make him some eggs and then bring them to him and sit at the edge of the bed. He eats and I bring him some water upon request. Mark nods and gets up and goes to the bathroom, and I plug my ears. When he vomits, it sounds like a screeching, but drowning baby. I shiver at the thought and go to my room and read a bit for no reason. Out of bordeom I guess until Connor texts me.

Sorry about leaving so suddenly. I just remembered I had to do something for my mom. She's having some party for work and I have to help out.

No problem. No harm no foul :)

Alright, ttyl sweetheart <3

I set my phone down and go back to reading. I decide to play some Minecraft and text Latin if she wants to join me. She says to hang on and she'll be on. We play for a while, Zombie coming on for a while, helping us not really accomplish anything, just screw around. I blow up a house that seems really old and stuff. Zombie's character shakes his head and I laugh. I type into the chat Zombiemold is not impressed.

After a while, we stop and I check on Mark. He's still sick but starting to feel better. He lays in bed and sleeps all day. I make him more eggs and then tell him to sleep more.

"Thanks doc, never thought of that one," he says sarcastically.

"Glad to be of help." I go to my room and fall asleep myself.


It's been a few days since I last talked to Connor and I text him.

Hey :)

Hi, can I talk later? I'm busy.

Oh, sorry. Sure :)

That was weird, but oh well. I trust him. I occupy myself and play some games with Mark. We got an X-Box and play some random Mario game that we got in the fan mail. I kick his butt, obviously, and start to debate about dinner. We order a pizza and then I try to text Connor again, but he doesn't respond. I shrug it off.


It's been a few days since I've last talked to Connor. He hasn't texted back and when I call him, it goes to voicemail. I wonder why? I mean, I get that people have other plans in life, but he could at least tell me. Hmmm.

Oh well, probably nothing major, I hope. I sigh and lay around the house, bored out of my mind. I call to Mark, "I'm bored!"

"Text your boyfriend!"

"He's not responding."

"Wait for him to respond!"

"I have been. For almost three days!"

"Oh, well.." Mark steps out to the living room. "Really? Three days? That's unlike him."

"Yeah, but I'm sure it's nothing. He's probably really busy or something. Probably for college." I nod and sit upside down on the couch. Mark grins and sits next to me, upside down. He takes out his phone and Instagram videos us. We make weird sounds and then Mark posts it, tagging me. I laugh and stand up. Everything blacks out and I almost fall over, but Mark catches me. I shake my head and stand up straight.

"Probably shouldn't do that..."

"Yeah, that'd probabaly be best." Mark nods. I go to my room and relax, watching a movie on my computer. When it's done I change it out and start on Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 1. I get bored and stop and play some video games. I get a call and it's Connor.

"Hello?" I pick up.

"Can you meet me at the park? I wanna talk for a bit," Connor says, sounding a bit distant.

"Okay?" I say, kinda confused.

"Just do it..."

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