Mark- If She's Happy I'm Happy

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Chapter 57- Mark

I wake up and strech my back and yawn loudly. I scratch my head and back then get up and walk to my dresser and throw a decent shirt on and some gym shorts. I comb my hair real quick and then head out to the living room to wake up Aaron. I walk down the hall and my jaw drops at what I see.

Aaron and Kiera are lying on the pull out couch, his arm flung around her and her body snuggled up against his chest. I hold back a yelp and rush back to room and try not to slam my door. I breath heavily and try to regain my compsure.

"What the hell..?" I whisper to myself. I mean, I'm not angry with this, I'm just..startled. I didn't expect to wake up to that. I sit on my bed and calm myself down. I hear sturring in the living room and I decide to go out and act like I saw nothing. I step out and walk to the kitchen and greet the two.

"Morning," I say as casual as possible.

"Morning," Kiera chirps happily to me.

"Good morning," Aaron greets.

"Hungry?" I ask. They both nod and get up. I go to the kitchen and start to make chocolate chip pancakes.

"How do you sleep?" Aaron asks, scratching his back.

"Well, and you?"

"Oh, uh, fantastic."

"That's good. And you Kiera?"

"Well," she blushes and my stomach twists a bit. What did they do..? I shiver at all the disgusting thoughts. I go to my room and grap my phone and text Kiera:

What did you two do last night?

I come back out and she gives me an odd look.

"Mark can I ask you a private?" she asks with an edge to her tone. I nod and she leads me to her room.

"What did you do last night?! Really, Mark?!"

"I'm just wondering, because I walked out this morning and I saw you guys cuddling and I'm just curious if anything happend or what's going on."

"All that happened was cuddling. I mean, we kissed a few times, but nothing passed that," Kiera blushes. I smile and she blushes harder.

"Are you happy?" I ask. Keira looks up at me and grins.

"Yes, very happy."

"Good, I'm glad. Just, be smart Kiera, please?"

"Um, okay..." she nods and walks out. I go back out and try to make some small talk to pretend like nothing happened. As we sit and eat, my mind wanders off. I want Kiera to be happy, and if Aaron makes her happy, then I'm all for it. But some part of jealous. After we eat, I dismiss myself to call Wade for some advice.

"Hey, what's up?" he answers. I describe to him what's happening. There's a long pause.

"You still like her?"

"Yes! No... Kinda, I don't know. That's why this is so hard for me. I don't like seeing her with Aaron, but I want her to be happy and I keep trying to tell myself that if she's happy, I'm happy, but I'm really not all that happy."

"Damn, Mark. I guess what you need to do is just let her be. She's smart and knows what she wants. Who knows, maybe it's just a phase, and maybe it's love. But if you want to have any slight chance, you need to let her do her thing. Does that make sense?"


"Good, now, I gotta go. Bye Mark!" Wade says and hangs up. I hang up and sigh. Wade's right, if I want any chance with Kiera again, I need to let her be. I can't worry about her because she can take care of herself. She knows what she wants and if she's happy, then I'm happy for her.

Yeah, I'm happy for her.


Sorry guys! I've been super busy, like not exaggerating. I have school, swim team, religion, a somewhat social life, and my own personal life to deal with. I feel horrible about not updating for so long, so hopefully I'll be able to update some more soon. I also feel really bad that this is so short, but I guess there's not much else I could write right now, but I'll work on the next chapter ASAP.


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