Rules and Roll Call

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Chapter 19-

My alarm clock blares and I groan. I don't wanna go to school. I have to be social. And talk to people. Ugh. I crawl out of bed and shut the alarm off and collapse on the floor. I am never going to get used to this waking up early thing, am I? I some how get clothes on and manage to walk out of my room. Mark is in the kitchen, making me a breakfast.

"Why are you up?" I ask. "You don't have to get up with me every morning..."

"I don't intend to. But since it's your first day a ta new school, I thought it would nice to have a breakfast made and have a nice start to the day," he smiles. I thank him and he serves me my breakfast of scrambled eggs and pancakes. I eat them, or more or less, shove them down my throat and grab all my school supplies and shove it into my bag. Mark sits on the couch and watches me franticly pack my stuff, but I stop all of a sudden and a wave of nerves and anxiety hits me and I start to cry. Mark jumps to my side and pulls me into a hug.

"Sorry," I say, trying to regain my composure, with no such luck.

"It's alright, I get it. You're going to a new school, with no one you know in a completley different state. It's understandable, I get you. But there isn't anything to worry about. I know you'll do great. Just find people like your friends back at home. I know you'll do fine, and if all else fails, you have that girl, Merida from Olive Garden," he says. I look up at him and wipe my eyes. I calm my nerves and Mark offers to drive me for the first day.

"Yes please," I grin. We climb into the car and drive off to the high school.

"I went here," Mark says as we pull up to the parking lot. "You'll do great."

"Thanks Mark," I say and hug him. I get out of the car and wave goodbye to Mark as he drives away. I walk up the steps into the school and go straight to the office. I get my schedule and make sure all my credits from my old school were transfered correctly. The lady nods and gives me a quick tour of the school, bringing me to my first class. I thank her and find a seat towards the middle. The bell rings and roll call starts. When the teacher says my name, I raise my name and plainly say ,"Here." A bunch of kids look at me and realize they don't know me. I look down at my desk and control my breathing. When the teacher is done with roll call, he asks if anyone is new. I raise my hand and everyone looks at me.

"Where are you from?" he asks. I tell, Minnesota and some kids laugh, but the teacher glares at them.

"Why did you move here? Parent get transfered? Family?"

"I got kicked out of my house and moved in with a...." I blank at what to call Mark. "Good friend," I end up with. I guess it works, for now.

"Family or friend?"

"Friend. All my family lives in Minnesota," I say. One kid laughs and I look down. This is so awkward.

"Well, Kiera, I'm glad you're here and welcome to the high school," the teacher smiles. He goes over classroom rules and class ends. Every class is really boring, rules and roll call, like every first day. No homework, thank goodness, but lunch is a hassle. I start off with no friends, until Merida comes running up to me.

"OMG! It's you! You're actually here. Oops, sorry, I'm a bit loud," she blushes and sits down, "Nice to see you again."

"Nice to see you again too," I smile.

"So, what do you think?" she asks.

"Well, it's awkward, that's for sure. I have no friends and people keep staring. I think a couple people might have recognized me from the Drunk Minecraft video I appeared in as a French Maid and think I'm some whore or slut or both," I grimace.

"Oh, don't worry. Once people put it all together, they'll be nicer. Markiplier is like a big deal here, since he went here and what not, and once people hear that you're his roommate, people will flip," she enthuses. I smile and hope she's right.

Lunch ends and I only have three more dumb classes left. Roll call and rules are done and when the final bell rings, I run out of that school ASAP. I run to the car and jump in.

"How was school?" Mark asks.

"Boring. All it was was roll call and rules. I nearly died. But no homework tonight! I talked to Merida at lunch today. Said Markiplier is a big deal there, since you went there and that once people realize I'm your roommate, it won't be so awkward for me."

"I hope for your sake she's right. Do you want to go somewhere special for dinner?" He asks.

"How about we go to that pizza buffet? I've been craving pizza for a while."

"Sounds good to me," Mark smiles. He tells me about how today was weird not having me around. I tell him it was weird not sleeping till noon.

"I'm never going to get used to this waking up early."

"You'll have to, since you have an entire school year."

"But once it's done, I won't have to do it again!"

"Unless you take early college classes."

"That is if I go to college," I warn.

"Kiera, you're going. Don't be dumb like me and not go. And go for somethign you're interested in."

"We'll see," I say. We go back home and I flop on the couch and click on the TV. I watch and end up hooking my computer up and watching one of Mark's old livestream uploads for a few hours. We head out for pizza and eat until we can't take another bite and drive home.

I go to bed after setting my alarm, dreading waking up in the morning.


sorry it's short. but arent you ready for kiera's adventures outside of the house at high school?! because trust me, it's going to get crazy! lol hope you're enjoying it so far and comment any ideas you have, feedback or just comment to say hi. im cool with that too :)

Lily <3

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