You meet for the first time

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You meet for the first time

Niall - You're waiting in line to finally meet the boys with your Take Me Home CD in hand for them all to sign.  Tonight was the best night ever; it was your birthday and you and your best friend had just finished seeing their concert.  It had been amazing, and you thought you had spotted Niall winking at you from on stage.  He had always been your favourite member of the band and he made your heart flutter.

"Next," Paul called, opening the door to let you in.  You walk in, your stomach twisting.  I'm finally going to meet them! You think to yourself.

When you walk into the room, the boys are sitting at a long table starting with Louis, then Harry, Liam, Zayn and finally Niall.  You walk over to the table, each of them giving you a hug as they say hello and sign your CD.  Your heart is pounding every step you get closer to Niall.  When Zayn hands you back your signed CD, you turn to Niall who is smiling brightly at you.  He stands up to give you a hug and you know your face is a bright as a tomato.  He hangs on a while longer than the other boys.  Louis clears his throat and Niall pulls apart, his cheeks are flamming and you giggle.  He signs your CD and kisses your hand.

You walk out of the feeling like you're on a cloud.  Although, you were a little disappointed because Niall said nothing to you.  You sigh and keep walking, when you feel a hand pull on your arm.  You spin around and see Niall standing infront of you.  Your heart thumps and your stomach flutters.  

"I saw you in the crowd tonight..." he pauses, his crystal blue eyes look directly into yours, "you're beautiful." You're speachless.  Niall Horan just called you beautiful!  Before you have time to say anything, he presses a piece a paper into your hand.  He leans in and kisses you on the cheek before smiling shyly and turning to run and join the boys back in the room.  You stand in shock, holding your breath, not able to move for a while.  When you're breathing returns to normal, you unnfold the paper in your hand.  It read;

You're too beautiful for me to let you get away.  Use this some time xx 

Followed by his number.  You walked away smiling to yourself and blushing.  Of course you'd use it :)

Liam - You're standing in line at the cinema with your friends, waiting in line to buy tickets to see Toy Story 3.  Once you get your tickets, your friends go to find seats and you hang back to grab some popcorn before the film starts.

You're walking towards the theater with your hands full with your food when someone rushes past you, bumping your shoulder causing you to drop your popcorn.  It goes flying everywhere and you stand frozen in shock.  

"Are you serious?!" you exclaim to no one in particular.

"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry.." A tall boy is walking towards you.  Clearly he was the one who bumped your shoulder.  "Can I buy you a new one?" He asks shyly, running his hand through his short brown hair.  

"No, just forget it." You snap, too frustrated to say more.  You storm into the theater and find your friends.  You enjoy the movie and forget all about the mishap that happened earlier.  You're about to leave the cinema when you feel someone tap your shoulder.  You spin around to find the boy who had bumped into you earlier.

"Hey, look I really am sorry about earlier..." He pauses nervously and looks at the ground, "I have kind of a thing for Toy Story.  I really love it and I guess I was just excited I wasn't watching where I was going."  He raises his eyes to yours and you find the most amazing pair of chocolate brown eyes looking back at you.  You could melt in them.

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