He spends time with you when you're sick

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He spends time with you when you're sick...

Harry - "Babe?" You hear his deep voice call from downstairs.  He was doing a recording session with the boys that ran late so he hadn't been home all night.  It was now morning and he was coming home.

You try to call back but no sound comes out.  You're too tired to move an inch and all you want to do is sleep. 

"Baby?" You hear him call again and hear his footsteps coming up the stairs.  He pokes his head in the room and as soon as he sees you laying in bed, he rushes up to your side and lays down beside you, pulling you into his arms.  "You sick love?" he asks softly.

You nod and snuggle up to him more.  You lay there for a while taking comfort in the way he hold you close, his warm body up against yours.

Suddenly he springs up and runs to the closet. "Harry?" You croak, sitting up a bit to see what he's doing.

"Shh, just relax love.  We're going to make this room a little more comfortable since we'll be staying here all day." He tells you softly as he pulls out piles of blankets from the closet and dumps them on the bed.  

You watch as he shakes out the blankets and starts hanging them around the bed and from the ceiling to make a canopy.  Soon he has built a little fort around the bed with the blankets and crawls in to cuddle up beside you.  He pulls a blanket over the two of you and kisses your nose.

"This is cute," you say and give him a weak smile.

"Just like you, babe," he whispers and presses a kiss to your temple. "I love you." 

"I love you too,"

Being so close and wrapped in his arms makes you feel a little better.  Eventually you both fall asleep in each other's embrace.

Niall - You're lying on the couch feeling worse than ever.  Niall knew you were sick but had disappeared somewhere.  All you really wanted right now was for him to be near you, you knew he would make you feel better.

You hear the appartment door shut and Niall walks in with his arms full of grocery bags.

"Babe, what's all that?" You ask furrowing your eyebrows and sitting up slightly.

He walks into the room and dumps everything on the coffee table in front of you.  "I hate seeing you sick," he says with a worried expression on his face, "so I got a few things that I thought would make you feel better."

He had gotten all your favourite junk food, tissues, cough drops, boxes of tea, a few of your favourite movies and a cute little plush toy of your favourite animal.

"Niall, babe, you didn't have to do all this for me," you tell him, taking his hand and pulling him down to sit with you on the couch.

"But I did, I want you to feel better.  It's my job to take care of you." You mutters quietly and kisses your head. 

You put in a movie and Niall makes you tea.  You cuddle on the couch, stuffing your faces with junk food and you have to admit you do feel better.

When the movie ends you stay sitting in Niall's arms, not wanting to move.  You could stay in his arms forever it feels like.  Your head is laying on his chest and you can hear his heart beat and feel his chest rise up and down with every breath.

"I love you," he mumbles into your hair and kisses your head again.

"I know you do.  I love you too."

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