You break up (Part one)

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You break up (part one)...

Niall - "Babe?" You call from the kitchen.

No answer.

"Baby?" You call a little louder stepping into the hallway.

No answer.

It's been this was for about a week now, you think Niall's been distant. He's been sat on his ass in front of the television watching football and draft reality shows. He's not even been helping you when you cook any meals or tidy the flat you share. It's almost as if he can't he bothered.

Even when you try to cuddle up to him on the couch he doesn't cuddle you close to him. He doesn't even hold you when you sleep anymore. And when you try to talk to him he just brushed you off.

You've been together for 8 months and living together for 4 months but he's been putting so much pressure on you it's starting not to matter. He's making you feel like you're not enough.

You groan and march into the living room. The TV is blaring as Niall sits in his usual position on the couch, feet up on the coffee table.

"Niall!" You practically yell. You're getting beyond frustrated.

He turns around to look at you before mumbling a quiet, "What?" and turning back to the TV.

That's it. You can't take it anymore so you grab the remote and shut off the TV.

"Oi!" He spins around instantly looking at you like you're crazy, his bright blue eyes full of hate. "What was that for?"

"Can you please pay attention to me for five minutes and take your eyes off the bloody TV when I'm talking to you?" You ask harshly.

"Whoa, what did I do?" Niall asks defensively which makes you even more angry.

"Niall, you've barely spoken a word to me in a week! You're spending all your time watching football! You barely even look at me anymore!" You shout, your vision blurring with tears.

"That's not true!" He shouts back standing up from the sofa.

"Yes it is! It's like I'm not even here. It makes me feel like you don't want to be with me because it wouldn't even matter to you if I left. I swear football is more important to you than I am!" The tears start to slide down your cheeks.

Niall's face instantly softens because he hates seeing you cry. "Baby..." he whispers reaching out for you.

"No Niall," you say and push his hand away. You wipe your tears and take a deep breath. "I think we need a break."

"What?" He asks shocked. You can tell he wasn't expecting this and neither were you. It just felt like the right thing to do.

"I need some time to think... I need to clear my head." You say as you turn away and head into the bedroom to pack a few things.

Niall doesn't follow you in and when you return to the living room he's still standing in the same spot with the same shocked expression on his face.

"(Y/N), really? You don't have to go, I -" he fumbles for words as his eyes gloss over with tears.

"I'm going to stay with my sister. I'm sorry," you say quietly and turn to leave out the door.

You chance a glance over your shoulder and the last thing you see is Niall standing with tears rushing down his face, looking utterly helpless.

Harry -"Harry, who's Courtney?" You ask casually as you approach the sofa when Harry is sitting.

You and Harry had been dating for almost a year and had been sharing a flat for most of your relationship. You obviously shared a bedroom and lived closely to one another so it was hard to keep secret from each other, not that you kept any. Or at least that's what you had thought.

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