You're a bet

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I realize that some of these imagines or preferences have sexual references, and I want to thank you guys for not freaking out haha!

I seriously have the coolest readers. x

ALSO! I think I'm finally okay with the idea of doing some dirty imagines if you want them!


You're a bet...

Harry - "Harry..." Louis eyes you suspiciously as you walk into the restaurant with him, hand in hand.

"What?" Harry shrugs, pulling out the chair for you to sit.

You watch as all the boys look around and shift in their seats awkwardly. They all look at one another and between you and Harry.

"So, um, (Y/N). How long have you and Harry been, um, together for?" Liam asks, stuttering and fumbling over his words.

"About a month," you smile and Harry wraps an arm around you, kissing your temple.

"Harry, it's been long enough," Louis snaps suddenly, slamming his hand on the table. His face is serious and you have no idea what is going on.

"Lou, no... it's different," Harry says between clenched teeth. His voice his deep and raspy, on guard.

"It doesn't matter if it's different of not, you can't just not tell her. That's cruel," Louis raises his voice, using his hands as he speaks.

"Louis, mate, not now," Niall urges, looking at you and giving you a small halfhearted smile.

"What... what is this about?" You ask slowly, looking between all the boys who look down sheepishly. All except Louis that is, who is glaring at Harry. You start to shift uncomfortably and your heart races, starting to panic.

"Baby, it's nothing. Louis' just being a dick," he mumbles, tightening his arm around you and running a nervous hand through his curls.

Louis' eyes go wide before they burn with rage. He shoots up from his seat and you jump as it topples onto the floor, all the boys looking up at him in shock.

"Fuck you!" He shouts at Harry as all heads in the restaurant turn. "You can't say I'm a dick when I'm only trying to protect her!" He shouts, pointing at you.

Harry starts to stand, his jaw locked but Louis cuts him off.

"Love, I'm sorry but Harry only started dating you because the rest of us thought you two wouldn't last more than two weeks. He got a nice night out at the bar for it too," Louis says to you, softening his tone some but not much.

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