Niall Imagine - Twins (requested)

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This imagine is for an anon on tumblr, hope you like it! xx

The last four hours felt like a blur but felt like an eternity. The anxiety and pain coming in waves as Niall helped you to the car, grabbing the bag you had already packed. He sped to the hospital, holding your hand the entire way and if you weren't in so much pain you would have laughed at how nervous he was. He kept telling you to breath and that you could squeeze his hand if it hurt, his bright blue eyes alert and flashing between you and the road.

White walls and a white ceiling, glowing neon lights and nurses rushing around. It was going well, they told you. Your vitals were good, they told you. You're doing great, Niall told you. If everything was going so well, you didn't understand why you felt like your stomach would explode.

It was your first kid, you and Niall have been married for just over a year and were excited when you found out you were pregnant. You had never expected it to be twins.

The pain was more than you ever imagined it to be. Your hair was pulled messily on top of your head and your forehead was drenched in sweat. You were breathing heavily, the excruciating pain and the discomfort almost unbearable. You wanted to suit but that wasn't an option, you were too far along. Four hours in labor and you were finally being told to push.

"Bear down," the nurse said from her position between your legs.

"Remember, squeeze my hand as hard as you need too baby," Niall says, his comforting eyes looking down at you. He brings your hand to his lips and presses they against your knuckles.

You try to smile up at him but another contraction causes you to squeeze your eyes shut and yell out in pain.

"Push!" The nurse shouts and you obey, bearing down and squeezing with everything you've got.

"Come on, your doing great baby," Niall encourages you, his head poking between your legs and his eyes growing wide. "Oh my god, I can see it," he says, his smile growing wide and his eyes shining.

You loved how excited he was to have a baby, now to have two. You were lucky to have such an amazing man in your life who was so open to everything you wanted. You knew he wanted this and you could see him now watching football with both babies in his arms, cuddling them and laughing at them while he made them laugh.

You thoughts are broken by another shock of pain, a sharp but constant pain and you scream out again, pushing with everything you have.

"It's a boy!" The nurse shouts and Niall's jaw drops when he sees the baby for the first time. He wants to follow it when the nurses bring him to clean, but he stays by your side holding your hand.

A boy. You could imagine all the boys playing with him and buying him cool clothes, having a blast with the little man. He would be your football star and Niall would be at every game, maybe even a coach.

You squeeze Niall's hand and tears slip down your cheek as you push once again, praying all of this will be over soon. You're a sweaty mess with a pounding heart and you can hardly breath as you give your all to push out your second baby.

"I can't," you cry as the pain become unbearable. It's too much, it's too much pressure.

Niall takes your face in both his hands, his face only inches from yours, his blue eyes wide and boring down into yours.

"You can, I know you can. We did this together, we're in this together. Just look at me, love. Look at me," he says softly, running one hand over your cheek.

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