He tries to make you rub his feet

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He tries to make you rub his feet...

Niall - "Hello!" Niall calls as he comes in the door.

You turn your head away from your magazine and smile at him, laughing at his soiled football uniform.  He smiles brightly and you know he won just by the look on his face.  He kick off his shoes and comes to join you on the couch, his back resting against the arm of the sofa.

"Have fun?" You smile, putting down your magazine.

"Oh yeah, it was great babe!  I think need new cleats though, mine are getting a bit old.  My feet and killing me," he frowns, wiggling his toes in his socks.

"Awe, poor baby," you mock, caressing his cheek.  He laughs and takes your hand, kissing the back of it.

"Hey, (Y/N)?"


"Since you didn't come to my game today, you kind of owe me," he smirks and you cross your arms.

"Oh yeah?  What do you have in mind?" You ask curiously, narrowing your eyes at him.

He places his feet on your lap and his smirk widens.

"Ew, no Niall!  They're dirty and sweaty and gross.  No way, Jose," you explain, pushing his feet off you.

"Please?" He begs, shifting so his face is right in yours.  He kisses your cheek but you shake your head.  "Please, please please please?" He asks in between kisses all over your face.  You giggle and take his face, kissing his lips lightly.

"Not a chance, babe," you smirk and kiss him again.

Louis - "Please, love?" Louis whines from the sofa as you tidy up the living room.

"No, Lou.  You have the smelliest feet in the history of the world.  I am not touching those with my hands," you shake your head.

"But, I'll love you forever," he pleads and you crack a smile and his pouring lips.

"You already do," you tease and roll your eyes.

"I'd love you even more if you did it," he says quietly.

You laugh and turn to look at him, crossing your arms over your chest.  "That's not a good bribe, babe.  You're supposed to bribe me with something I want."

"Ha ha, so funny," he rolls his eyes, standing from the sofa and walking over to you.

He sighs and places his hands on your hips, looking down at you with sofa eyes.  His hands run down your hips and around to your bum, gripping it tightly.  His lips press down on your and he kisses you passionately.  His tongue slides into your mouth, exploring it and running along your own.  You wrap your arms around his neck as you fall deeper into the kiss, just as Louis pulls away.

"Hey," you complain, wanting to continue.

He smirks and leans down, his lips hovering just above yours.

"What about now?" He asks with mischief in his deep blue eyes.

"Hmm... not in a million years," you smile, pressing your lips to his and walking away without another word.

Zayn - "How was the show babe?" You ask, standing as the boys walk into the dressing room.  They're all pumped up and ready to party except for Zayn who walks over to you with a frown.  "What's up?"

"My feet and killing me, new shoes," he grumbles, pointing down at his feet.  They were new ones that their stylists had suggested he wear, but apparently they weren't as comfortable as they looked.

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