You have a snowball fight

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You have a snowball fight...

Liam - Liam drops your hand but you think nothing of it, distracted by the beauty surrounding you.  The treetops are dusted in snow, the path marked with soft footprints and the air quiet and cool. 

You breath in deeply, allowing the coolness to infiltrate you, a small smile spreading across your lips as you enjoy your walk in the park.  The snow is crunching beneath your feet and echoing along the empty path.

You are shaken from your thoughts when suddenly you feel something hit you in the back.  You whip around to find your boyfriend stood in the snow with his hands held behind his back.

"Liam!" You gasp, shocked and not at all expecting what had just happened.

"What?" He furrows his eyebrows, playing innocent.  You can't help but let out a laugh, eyes still wide and jaw still dropped. 

"You must be joking.  Snow balls?" You laugh and watch a smile reach his lips.  "You know what this means don't you?"

"What exactly does this mean, babe?"

"This means war!" You shout, bending down to gather snow in your hands and pelting it in Liam's direction before he knows what's hit him.

You take cover behind a bench and Liam behind a tree, your laughter filling the silence and bouncing off the trees as you each try to hit the other.  He just misses your head and you end up nailing Liam right in his stomach.  By the time you've finished, his black coat and jeans are almost completely white and you are still untouched by the snow.

"Okay, okay.  I surrender," he laughs, coming out from behind the tree.  You join him on the path and he holds his hand out for you to take.  You kiss his rosy cheek lightly.

"I wasn't expecting you to be so good at that," he admits, chuckling as he wraps an arm around you. 

"Be real, Li.  I beat you at everything," you taunt, knowing how much it bugs him.

He doesn't do anything except shake his head before leaning down to press his cold lips to yours gently.

"I let you win," he whispers against your lips and you giggle before placing a hand on the back of his neck to pull his lips to yours again in a sweet kiss.

Louis - "Hey babe!"

You walk over to the window being pelted with snowballs and look down into the backyard to find Louis stood in the snow, a wide grin on his face.  You open the window, the cool air rushing in and raising bumps on your skin.

"What?" You call down.

"Come here a minute!" His smile is bright as he looks up at you from the ground below.

You shut the window and sigh, not wanting to leave the warmth of the house.  You reluctantly pull on your boots and coat, stepping into the backyard.  Everything is white and calm from the heavy snow the night before and you take a minute to draw in the pristene white fluff beneath your feet.

"Louis?" You call, not seeing him anywhere.  You walk further into the yard, looking around but not seeing him anywhere.

"Hey, Y/N!" You hear him call from behind, but as soon as you turn a snowball hits you right in the chest.  Louis laughs as your jaw drops and scurries off behind the shed.

You don't waste anytime chasing after him with your hands full of snow.  You hit him right in the back and he retaliates, hitting you in the arm.  You throw snowballs at each other out in the open, laughing when the other misses or when you hit the other.  Laughter rings out in the air and the smile on his face is as bright as ever, his eyes shining in amusement.  The two of you never fail to have fun together.

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