Harry Imagine - Grow some balls (requested)

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This imagine is for an anon named Allison who requested it via tumblr. I hope you enjoy it x

"Focus Allison!" Your coach yells as another ball goes whizzing past you and you don't even make a swing.

"I'm sorry, let's go again," you apologize, your cheeks heating up in embarrassment.

It wasn't really your fault that you were distracted, it was his. When you started your tennis lesson the rest of the courts at the community center were empty, but now there were two boys playing on a court further down from yours. They were rowdy and loud, especially the blonde one - he wouldn't stop laughing.

But it wasn't him who was distracting you; it was the tall one with dark curls and bright eyes that you could see from a distance. You kept catching him looking over at you every time he scored a point against his friend. You assumed that he wanted to see of you had noticed, and you did. Every time he looked over you would look away and never really made eye contact, although the blush in your cheeks was a dead giveaway that you were watching him.

"Alright, we'll pick this up next week. Good show," you coach says when your lesson ends. He waves goodbye and retreats back into the community center. You stay outside and decide to practice some serves which were not your strong point.

"Shit," you mumble to yourself when the first three serves you spike hit the net and bounce back to you.

You glance over at the two boys only to find that they're both watching you, the dark haired one with a small smirk. You feel your cheeks heating up and you bend down to pick up your ball, going to rest on a near by bench.

You watch the guys play a few more rounds, the curly haired boy still glancing over every time he scores a point to see if you're watching. At one point you actually build up the nerve to smile and tuck a piece of hair behind your ear. The boy's bright eyes light up and he gives you a dazzling smile. You get giddy and giggle, looking down at your feet. The blonde boy rolls his eyes and says something to his friend.

Before you know it, someone sits down next to you on the bench. When you look up, you meet bright green eyes and a sweet smile.

"Hi," he says, his voice deeper than you had expected it to be. It sends a small chill through your body and you return his smile.


"I'm Harry," he says.


"Well Allison, I saw earlier that you were having some trouble!e with your serves. Mind if I help?" He asks with a crooked grin his eyes shining as he stands from the bench.

"I don't know, are you any good?" You tease, biting your lip when his eyes narrow playfully.

"You know I'm good, I know you've been watching me kick Niall's ass over there," he says with a cheeky smile.

You blush because you know it's true. You look over at the blonde boy who's leaning against the fence of the court with us phone out. He gives you a small wave and you smile and wave back.

"So, what do you say?" Harry asks with raised eyebrows, stretching his arms by holding his racket behind his head. You can't help but notice his tattoos and muscles, clearly the point he wanted to make.

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