Louis Imagine - I Spy (requested)

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This imagine is for Nandi ( http://leviosafloosnitch.tumblr.com ) who requested it via tumblr! Hope you enjoy it x

"Nandi. Code name, Leviosa," you say and the door in front of you opens wide.

You step into the room and sit in the single chair just as a screen lights up in front of you. Your boss smiles and welcomes you back from the mission you just completed. Now it's time for another.

"You will be assign to protect a potential target of the enemy. You will stay with him until we give you the clear. Staying with him means twenty four hour surveillance, so naturally you'll be moving in with him," he briefs you. "The target is Louis Tomlinson -"

"Louis Tomlinson? From that boy band?" You scoff and almost laugh. "What would the enemy want from a spoiled celebrity?"

"That's not known yet, but you will complete the assignment as given or your license as an agent will be terminated," he says sternly and you know you have no choice.

You roll your eyes and give him a halfhearted nod before standing to leave the room. Straight away you jump in your car and find the location already programmed into your GSP. As you drive, you silently curse the ridiculous mission you've been assigned. Its hard to tell how long you'll be staying with him, it could be months. You groan, completely frustrated that all your time will be spent babysitting some celebrity who will probably treat you like a maid. Stuck up son of a bitch.

You pull into the driveway and don't stop until you've reached the door of the flat. You knock and fold your arms over your chest, already dreading this.

The door swings open to reveal a familiar face you've seen in picture all over the internet and on magazine covers. He smiles brightly, his deep blue eyes trail over you quickly and you roll your eyes.

"So you're the one supposed to be protecting me?" He says, amusement in his eyes as he let's you inside.

"Yup," you sigh.

"Wow, I was expecting some big buff guy. But I have to admit I'm not disappointed," he smirks and you roll your eyes again.

"Look, I'm not too happy about this okay? I could be out on the field protecting the president but instead I'm stuck with you," you groan.

"Stuck with me? Harsh."

Silence falls between you two as you glare at the ground and Louis rubs his stubbly chin awkwardly.

"Um, are you hungry? Could I make you dinner?" He asks quietly.

You look up, shocked by his request. After all, you were expecting him to ask you to make dinner.

"Um, yeah... I mean, why?" You stutter and he smiles.

"You're a guest in my home, it's only polite," he smiles sweetly and shrugs before retreating into the kitchen. He tells you to make yourself at home so you find yourself on the sofa.


Louis Tomlinson is polite. Who knew? Not you of course.

Half an hour later you're both sat side by side eating pasta and laughing at some stupid show. Louis keeps making silly remarks and you can't help but laugh. You don't want to admit it, but you're enjoying yourself. You keep glancing over to find him watching you and you blush when he gives you a sweet smile.

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