Louis Imagine - Stay with me (requested)

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This is for Marissa or @MarissaTommo who requested via Wattpad! Hope you enjoy your TFIOS inspired imagine xx

It was a familiar scene; the white walls, fluorescent lights and the overall sterile environment. You knew this room and this hospital very well having been in it many times over. Some secretaries and nurses even knew your name, even a few doctors. As long as he was here, so were you. Spending ever spare minute of your day sitting beside a hospital bed sounds boring, but even though the cancer was inside of him he was still the same person. Never boring.

Sitting in his hospital bed with a fifty percent change of going into remission didn't change him. He was just as much of an idiot as he was when you met him, always cracking jokes and making you laugh, having to most outrageous comments or just being plain sarcastic. You didn't see him as sick and he didn't look it. His deep blue eyes still shone with the sparkle they had always had.

"I'm getting sick of this, Marissa," he says one day, his head turned toward you on his pillow.

"Of what, Lou?" You ask, stroking the back of his hand with your thumb as your fingers were intertwined.

"This place," he sighs, looking up at the ceiling. "The food is terrible."

You giggle and he smiles the way he always does when you laugh.

You couldn't believe how he could still smile like he did. He has had cancer and has been undergoing treatment for three years, but recently they've been keeping him in the hospital because it's supposedly getting worse. The treatments and checkups are more routine, run three times a day so it was more convenient to keep him in.

"I know, babe," you say softly, a small smile gracing your face. You run your fingers through his hair and he closes his eyes at the touch.

"You're the most amazing person I've ever know," he says quietly, squeezing the hand locked with yours. His deep blue eyes look into yours and you can see in his eyes every kind or loving thing he's ever said.

"I know," you shrug smugly, clearly teasing. Louis laughs and widens his eyes.

"Looks like my compliments have gone to your head," he says, sitting up in his bed.

"Well what else am I supposed to do with them? You tell me how awesome I am all the time, so it must be true," you you state dramatically.

Louis smirks and shakes his head, lifting his free hand up to your face and cupping your cheek.

"You are," he smiles, and leans forward until his lips meet yours.

Nothing has changed between you two through all of this except that you finally got together. When Louis was diagnosed, he was only your best friend. You started spending more time with him while he was sick, and eventually you both developed feelings. His kiss felt so right, so perfect like his lips were made for yours. He made your heart race and made you lose your breath.

There's a knock at the door and you pull apart just as Louis' regular doctor walks in, a clipboard in his hands and his glasses perched on the edge of his nose.

"How are we feeling today Mr. Tomlinson," he asks with a small smile.

"I'm feeling good doc," Louis smiles and the doctor nods.

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